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Min Yoon Gi was a loner.

From his earliest childhood.

He kept to himself, in a shady corner.

He loved his solitude.

Even a little too much.

During his last year of college.

The school nurse took a closer look at his case.

Why was he always alone?

Why did he act abnormally in certain situations?

Why did he always seem irritated?

When he wasn't talking to anyone.

She was immediately hit by a lead.

A lead that didn't please her parents.

Mr. and Mrs. Min.

Great people, recognized throughout South Korea.

But his mother wanted only the best for her dear son.

So she decided to take him to see a psychiatrist.

After learning that he had dark thoughts.

In particular, that of committing suicide.

What happened?

Committed to a psychiatric hospital.

Couldn't see anyone, except his mother.

Since she was the only one who bothered to visit him.

His father no longer wanted him.

"A madman in the family?"

That's where a psychiatrist diagnosed mental illness.

He wanted to discuss it with his parents...

Both his parents.

But Mr Min refused.

Again and again.

But after much arguing.

Lasting nearly two weeks.

Mr Min finally agreed to go to the hospital.

He hadn't seen his son for two months.

When they were all there.

Well, only his parents.

Since the doctor had already discussed it with Yoongi.

To be sure of what he was saying.

"Your son is schizophrenic."

Mr Min didn't understand.

He simply thought his son was depressed.

Yes, according to him, depressive rhymed with crazy.

Madame Min began to cry.

Crying for her son.

She'd never noticed him talking to himself sometimes.

That every minute he suspected a plot.

That he questioned his life and those of his parents day and night.

And that he was sometimes incoherent.

While they were hearing the news.

Yoongi was alone, in his hospital room.

He was sitting up in this white bed.

He was tired of white.

The room was white.

His clothes were white.

The sheets were white.

The furniture was white.

The walls were white.

He felt bad in that room

Yet he'd been there for two months.

He was no longer living normally.

He was being pumped full of drugs.

He slept most of the time.

He had insomnia because he slept during the day.

But he was smart.

Well, mostly the voices in his head.

Don't take those pills anymore, you don't need them, Yoongi.

He made it look like he was taking them.

But he'd throw them away when the nurse's back was turned.

He hadn't taken them for a month.

After his parents' appointment.

The psychiatrist came to see him.

"Your case is improving day by day, Yoongi, you'll soon be able to leave again."

He left two months later.

Four months behind in school.

With hatred accumulated over four months.



new fanfic' guys 😌

this one's about something a little more serious (yes, I'm passionate about mental illness)~

I went back to the writing style of how and why because I thought it fit the mood well 😊

if you don't know what schizophrenia is, or if you have a ready-made idea (which isn't necessarily the right definition), don't worry, I plan to put the definition in a future chapter 😋

funfact: while researching the disease, I came across a test to see if I was schizophrenic, and apparently there's a possibility that I am, I need to go see my doctor mdr xptdr 😂😂😂😂😂

anyway, i'll shut up 😘

thank youii for reading,


(ps: look at my man💕)

(ps: look at my man💕)

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by JaiPasDeNomLol

schizophrenic [myg] by JaiPasDeNomLol (not my story)Where stories live. Discover now