Chapter 5.3: The Electro Master

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The girl launched herself towards the sludge villain, and grab unto his yellow eyes. Not wanting to give this guy a chance, she started to shock him, as a neon blue electric current travelled through her arms. She started blasting 2,000 volts of electricity into the villain, for any other man, this would have been equivalent to taking the shock of the electric chair. However, the sludge villain merely screamed, as he lets the electricity pass through his body, and travel into the ground.

She jumps back, as she sees the effect of her electricity, do some damage, but not anything note worthy. She then grabs her bag, and flips it over, as metal cans fall out. She then created an electro magnetic field, and begins to start raining down metal can hell on the sludge villain. The sludge villain merely grins as he lets his slime like body, absorb the force of the cans. Seeing it not do damage, she rethinks her strategy, she looks at the trees, then counts the amount if cans she has.

"15 cans, I have 15 cans in total. This should be enough, to keep him busy"

She then runs backwards, as she increases her speed by making electricity travel through her muscles. Seeing this, the sludge villain takes chase. She continues running, and aiming her cans behind her, they all miss however, which brings joy to the slime villain.

"You should just stop missy~ it's pointless to run from your fate! You'd make a good host for my quirk, and there's nothing you can do to-"

"Calculated plan in order, commencing your demise. God that sounded cringe, oh well!"

She stops and turns, as she grins. The last can flies into the tree behind her, as she picks it up, lifting the tree in the process. She then launches it towards the sludge villain, who gets hit, and is being flung through multiple trees.

She then raise her fingers further, before the can goes out of her range. The can cuts right through the tree and shatters into lots of pieces, the fragments go into the slime villain. She uses her electro-magnetism to lift him into the air and then she throws her hand to the side, separating the villain into different parts.

He doesn't let up however and forms himself again, as he turns himself liquid, letting the can fragments leave his body through a liquid state. He then travels through the dirt and comes from the ground, under the girl. She jumps back, but is caught again, he decides that he will have to end this and starts controlling her from the inside to try and disable the quirk, or at least stop her from using it.

He finds something weird however, her genes... they all seem to be made from the same genes that quirks are made out of, so she had many quirks? The slime villain was confused for quite some time, this gave the girl enough time to launch a lightning bolt down at herself and dispersing the slime villain into different parts.

She coughs to try and breath as she was choking on the slime villain, a few moments ago. She then looks up from her spot as she pulls out a coin from her pocket, and tries to locate the slime villain.

"Where are you? I know we're fighting, but I want to test something. It was something I theorized during this fight, and you seem like the perfect test subject to use it on"

She scans the area, she looks around before her electrical field catches a signal and turns around to see the slime villain launching itself at her. Before he was able to get to her however, a light slams down unto the slime villain, launching her back into the tree line and the slime villain back a bit.

She gets up from her position and rubbed her head, she looks back to see a handsome young man, with long blonde hair, a maroon suit, v-neck shirt underneath with he's eyes closed. She was mesmerized, but quickly hid as the young man woke up.

She saw the slime villain sneak up behind the young man, before she could do anything however, the slime villain had launched himself at the young man who then let out 6 beautiful white wings to shield himself.

The feathers on the wings would float lightly to the ground, and disappear once it touches the ground. She watched as the young man uses the wings to shield himself, she then notices something and jumps back and lays flat on the ground, as an explosion was created, originating from the wings.

She looks back to see the young man had flow away from there, as she looked up with winder on her face. She then murmurs to herself as she watches the clouds part from the force of the explosion.

"Was that... and angel?"

She suddenly saw helicopters and decided to dip, she ran through the tree line away from there. She ran in the direction of her house and continued to run, until she arrived in her neighborhood. She sighs as she slows down, she approaches the turn to her house and sees... smoke.

Her eyes... Her eyes widened as electricity started to surge from her body, thunder strikes down on her as she then runs back to her house, at mach 300 or the speed of lightning. She arrives and looks at her house, which was burning down.

She then kneels on the ground as she looks around to see that her neighbors had arrived as well and was just watching the house burn down, they took out their phones to record what was happening. She looked around at them, she look in pure and utter disbelief as she thinks to herself.

'what... what are they doing...? Why... WhY ARen'T they DoIng sOmething?'

Her mind was going blank, she was thinking in one way, she didn't know what to do. She suddenly screams as she ran into her house, this time her quirk not activating as she runs into her house.

Right then and there, she created a new quirk that protected her from fire, using the limited knowledge she had on fire and how thermodynamics works. She runs around her house, looking for her mom, she quickly runs to a shrine, where a picture of her father is, and takes it.

"DAD! don't worry, I have you!"

She continues to run around, trying to find her mom, she then runs upstairs and she checks her moms room, not there... She continues running, she check the bathroom until she hears groaning and moaning, coming from her room...

~That's it for this chapter guys, 1000 words only like I said, I'm not trying to make it as dark, but it's for "character development". In true Unknown fashion, I try to place my characters through psychological torment. Don't worry, I'll make it light-hearted next chapter, I think... Anyway, that is all for now, see you guys later!~

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