Chapter 2: The plan

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Kakine screams to himself, as he looks up at the sky. He raises his fists.

"Where the hell am I!?"

He screams at the top of his lungs, he may damage them if he keeps screaming at that pitch.

"Where the hell did you bring me Rank 1!? RAHHHHH"

He slowly stops as he looks down, running out of breath, he breathes heavily. He then crouches down, as he starts to talk to himself.

"Gokusai... Yobou... Those idiots probably don't know what to do without me"

Kakine pinches the bridge of his nose in frustration, as he gets up from his pose. He looks around to see the beach he us currently on, filled to the brim with trash.

"This Beach, is a literal piece of shit"

He releases his Wings and starts to swing it up and down, pushing the garbage away from him. He makes space for himself as he sits down, and starts to think.

"For now, I'll have to lay low. I'll need to investigate this place, prior to making my first move. That is the plan for now"

Kakine gets up, and begins walking away. He walks around the neighborhood, in search of an online Cafe. In this moment, he begins reminiscing to himself.

"Gokusai... That little brat, she's probably celebrating my dissapearance"

A small smile forms on Kakine's face, as he looks onwards. He places his hands into his pockets.

"Yobou... He's probably trying to find the location of my coordinates"

He continues walking as he finds an internet Cafe and walks in. He walks up to the receptionist and inquires.

"Enough for 2 hours of cell time"

The receptionist, a small 12 year old girl wearing a black maid costume answered.

"Sure! Any drinks for you sir? Snacks maybe?"

Kakine answered back, in an annoyed manner.

"Tch, no. Just let me stay here, for those 2 hours"

"Alright, that'll be 3000 yen, sir"

The girl answered back, a little startled by the sudden change in tone. However, she quickly smiles.

Kakine nods, as he takes out 3, 1000 yen papers. He hands it over as the girl smiles and points him towards a booth.

Kakine nods again, before making his way to the booth, placing his hands into his pockets once more.

He walks into his booth and sits down on the chair. He faces the computer and begins to type, he searches "Academy city".

To his surprise, nothing shows up. He continues to search for more information, but nothing shows up. As a last resort, he searches "Accelerator, level 5", nothing, nothing shows up.

He leans back in his chair, he brushes his hand through his chair and grins.

"There really is nothing, I have 2 theories on what might be happening"

Kakine says to himself, as he sits up right.

"Either, that damn Rank 1 hit me so hard, I travelled to the far future or... I'm in another world..."

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