Chapter 5: patterns

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Kakine is seen soaring through the air, until he finds a closed apartment store. He then slams into it, as he balls up into a cocoon. He walks out of the cocoon and walks over to a nearby home appliances.

He finds a bed, he rips out the price tag and lifts it. Using his 8 pack to crunch the whole thing, he flies out of the same hole he made and begins flying back to the warehouse.

However something... Happens. He is chased by police cars and 2 police helicopters. Kakine sighs as he makes a mask out of his dark matter wings, and wears it. He floats down to a nearby rooftop, and places the bed down. He looks back up at the helicopters and grins.

"Alright!? I haven't had any action since I got here, it seems that I'll be able to use you guys as training dummies!?"

Kakine then swings his wings forward, he lets out a ton of unknown Dark-Matter components into the air, designed to disrupt the air currents. It does it's job well, as the helicopters begin to spin out of control before they slam into each other, creating a huge explosion, that Kakine revels in.

Kakine shows off his pearly white teeth, as he flies into the ball of flames and comes out the other side as he retracts his wings, letting himself free fall down. Halfway down, he releases his wings to slow down the momentum of his potential kinetic gravity.

Just before he reaches the ground, he flaps his wings, as it sends the police cars flying away in random directions. He then launches himself towards a random car and stabs into it with 2 wings, he holds it with his hands, and rips it in half, with the help of his wings.

In a flurry of explosions, Kakine was engulfed. He flapped his wings as the Dark Matter components, sent the explosions flames, towards other cop cars. As it touches the other cars, enhanced by Kakine's Dark Matter, it exploded immediately, upon contact.

Unbeknownst to Kakine, someone had filmed Kakine's entire square off with the police. Meanwhile, whoever this girl was, she had yellow hair, yellow eyes, and fangs for teeth. She wore a light brown sweater over a sailor uniform and she held a killer smile, literally and figuratively.

She lowers her Camera as she grins and hops away, as she hums a little tune. She meets up with light blue haired man, who looked pale, and wore plain black clothes. They both walked away, soon after.

With Kakine, he then flies upwards as he sees extra helicopters were sent, he looks towards them and flaps his wings in their direction, before he tries to fly away. Not because he is scared, but because he has other plans.

"Tch, they won't get off my tail, guess I'll just have to make a detour"

Kakine then starts flying back towards the apartment store, he searches a bit and finds it. He finds the shopping center, he looks around for a bit and finds the alley. He turns to the helicopter and flips them off, before he balls up into a cocoon and dips into the alley.

He unballs himself and walks forward, he begins to search around and finds it. An abandoned bar, he stands in front of it, for a few seconds. He then reassess himself, and say to no one in particular.

"This is it, got a plan?"

He places a hand on the metal door, he feels around for the knob and grabs tight of it. He begins thinking for a moment, to himself.

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