Chapter 4: Partners

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The 21 year old girl is known as La brava , next to her is the 32 year old man, known as Gentle criminal.

They walk together, side by side to each other. They continue walking until they reach the warehouse.

They hear noises inside, and listen first. It sounds like dragging, and then a loud thump is heard and they both jump.

They both barge in, and see Kakine fixing things, and rearranging. They look around to see so much pictures and new outlets, stuck upon the walls, which were all connected by strings.

They continue looking around, to see a lot of instant noodle packets on the ground.

Gentle cringes at this sight, while La Brava is reminded of her past. A quick little flash back occurs.


Sitting in the middle of the room, filled with trash, is La Brava. She had her hair down, she had dark circles around her eyes.

She finishes the cup noodles, and places it inside a plastic bag. She gets up and sneaks out the room.

She passes by her living room couch, where her parents are sleeping. She gets to the door and wears some slippers.

She looks inside her mom's coat, which was hung on a coat racker, she takes out 3,000 yen, before walking out.

She heads over to her local convenience store, a shady looking place.

Outside were a bunch of teenagers, they were smoking a packet of cigarettes, and talking about something.

She keeps her head down, and walks past them. She walks into the store, and buys multiple cup noodles, breads and candies.

She walks to the counter, and places her stuff. She looks down, not bothering to look up at people. She is ashamed of herself.

She pays for it, as the receptionist packs it in a plastic for her. She takes the plastic and walks out, passing by the teenagers.

As she passes the way back, she hears something and turns around, she sees a small black cat.

The black cat meows at her, she
Walks over to the cat, with dead fish eyes. She smiles a bit, and hands the cat some bread.

She then walks away, but she hears something again, she turns to see the same teenagers from earlier. Knowing she isn't in a situation to fight back, she runs away.

The teenagers take chase, shouting at her. She continues to run as she hears the sound of a cat. She turns to see the cat has attacked them, and scratches at their faces.

Hissing sounds were heard, she turns around to see that they have thrown the cat to the floor. She turns away and continues running as she hears kicking noises, she covers her ears and closes her eyes.

She gets to her house and gets in as quickly as she can. She opens the door quietly and closes it quietly, she sneaks back to her room and huffs.

"That was terrifying..."

She lays back on a trash bag and looks to her right arm, underneath it was a rope. She stares at it for a few moments.

"Maybe... Maybe I can join kitty in heaven..."

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