Chapter 43- Two of Hearts

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Lazy kisses...careful movements...swapping so I'm laying on his sweaty chest...butt rubs and hair pets. I can hear his heart in my ear as he swallows. He sighs and all the world around us in the early morning is silent. His lips rest on my forehead but it's no kiss. I brush over his chest hair and hum softly, just barely. My eyes are closed and it's all by touches and sounds I map him out.

The love of my beautiful hunter that forever will be a pain in my ass. It warms me further thinking we've finally decided forever. I breathe softer, feel lighter, and I'm just stupidly floating on the high. I'm his, he's mine, and that's never gonna change.

I feel hands snuggle me up further and he's nuzzling my hairline to find a good spot to kiss for the bazillionth time. I groan wanting to finally roll over so he can be big spoon and feel breezes of him ghosting his hands letting me move. I settle with my butt against him and it's all arms and legs that snuggle him closer. I whimper just a little when I adjust my hips slightly and hear soft hushes as he reaches to massage where the joint is.

"Shhh," he rubs circles and I throw my leg back over his hip so he can reach more, "Okay, oookay, I'm rubbin', that's your thigh that's hurtin' then not your hip Baby..." he corrects me gently. When he massages I feel it relax into his touch. "I should run us a hot bubble that'd feel a lot better hm?" My ears understand his methods but my body also knows that means he's gonna leave. Kisses pepper my shoulder but he does keep rubbing. "Should I take the silence as a no?"

He assumes right and I drop my leg back down with a grunt. He kisses up my neck and resorts to holding me longer.

"Don't leave so soon..." I whisper finally and feel his hand reach to soothingly rub my butt as he coos.

"It's just to get the water started Babygirl...I'd come back for ya..." he noses my hair then kisses the tip of my ear. "Lemme take care of you...just a little longer..." it's a soft beg as he takes his other hand pressing in soothing rubs over my torso the slides up grazing my nipples then hugs my collar. I feel lips press into my jaw and neck slowly. It pulls a pleased hum from me as I let him stew. A bath sounded wonderful in hindsight and I knew damn well he'd snuggle me all the while.

"Promise?" I whisper curling fingers around his arm. He purrs nosing under my ear.

"Mhmm, not gonna leave my Babygirl lonely..." He lets me turn over in his arms then kisses my nose. "Hey," he waits for my hum and smiles so wide, "I, am in love, with, you." He declares, making me giggle.

"'M in love with you too..." I whisper back then kiss him sweetly. We smile stupid at the other then giggle as we gently rest our heads together.

"I feel like," Sam's brain would kick back on first, "like...that's how we should say it now. Cause we've said 'oh I love you' when we claimed we weren't in it...and now? We've doomed ourselves I think, right?" He blinks at me waiting for a response and I realize he's pulled me from the afterglow with him over this.

"Sam...oh my god..." I go to roll away to get off the bed to start a damn bath but feel him grab my wrist as he chases me.

"Baby, Baby come on, Michelle." He tugs me back to him as he props up on his arm. I roll back to sit facing him and he slides his hand down to take mine, "Don't...don't leave so soon, please?" He whispers, seeming hurt that I got up first. He looks over them and when I look, I barely catch him thumbing over my ring finger. My eyes flick to the part in his hair then back to our hands. "W-would you really marry me?" He looks up with these big eyes almost like a kicked puppy. I swallow, nodding slowly, then look down again and back at his face.

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