Ch. 2 The Multiverse

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Hange and Levi sit at a round table with the man and woman they met. They learn their names are Zeke and Yelena. Zeke had sat them down and explained their current situation, and his theories on what happened. Hange struggles to wrap their head around what they're hearing, they aren't entirely convinced that they're not dreaming.

Apparently, Zeke is the owner of the Jeager Research Facility. The facility had many projects and experiments they were working on, but the one they were the most focused on, and known for, was their interdimensional travel device. A device that allowed someone to travel through the multiverse and be transported to an alternate universe. They had been working on the device for years but had never been successful in their attempts. Not until Hange and Levi. Zeke told them he doesn't understand the exact reason yet, but he has a guess. There had been a violent storm at the time of Hange and Levi's arrival. A particularly powerful thunderstrike hit the facility and caused a power surge. In a panic, Zeke and Yelena ran to the lab because they were worried the surge could have harmed some of their equipment. That's when they ran into Hange and Levi. Zeke suspects the power surge has something to do with them being transported but he will need to do more research.

Hange stared down at the table they were sitting at, processing the information they were given. This was a lot to take in at once. The possibility of multiverses wasn't something Hange was a complete stranger to. They can recall seeing the multiverse theory discussed in a few books they had read over the years, but they never spent much time entertaining the idea. It always seemed too out of reach, and they had more pressing matters to direct their research to instead. They never would have been able to guess they would one day be experiencing the complexities of the multiverse firsthand. Although there were still many questions swimming through their head, they couldn't help themselves from feeling excited by this new discovery. There is so much more to the world than Hange could have ever imagined.

Hange looks up from the table and glances at Levi. He is only staring blankly ahead clearly lost in thought, processing everything as well. They imagine they are probably wearing a similar expression as well. Then they look back towards Zeke and ask, "But out of all of the different universes and people, why were Levi and I the ones who got sent here?"

Zeke only shakes his head slightly and sighs. "That's what I don't understand either. It'll have to be something I look into."

Hange nods and looks down again until Levi speaks, "How long are we going to be stuck here?" he asks with irritation lacing his voice.

Zeke and Yelena exchange a glance and Zeke gives Levi a doubtful look. "Honestly, It might be a while. We have never been able to get the machine to function correctly in all the years we've been working on it. I don't even fully understand how you are here now."

Levi grimaces and looks down again.

"Well, then what do you suggest we do now?" Hange inquires.

Zeke pauses for a moment to think and lifts a hand to his beard. "Well, since you guys will be stuck here for a while, you're going to need a place to stay."

Yelena nods and adds, "I live in an apartment really close by, it's within walking distance. I have a spare bedroom you guys can use. I live alone so I wouldn't mind having you guys stay with me for the time being."

Hange and Levi look at each other. It doesn't seem like they have much of a choice. They don't know anything about this world they are now stuck in. It wouldn't be smart to go off by themselves somewhere, so staying with Yelena is most likely the best option. Hange sighs and nods. "Okay, we can do that."

Zeke claps his hands together and begins to stand up from his chair. "Alright, then. It's already late so we should call it a day. But I'd like to have you guys back here at the lab tomorrow so I can do some questioning. If we're going to figure out how to send you guys back, I'll need all the information you can give me about the universe you are from."

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