A New Threat

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Life brings something nobody can ever see coming. Wether it be love, heartache, even sickness and good fortune. Something that nobody, not even life itself can save or warn you from is the void. A mysterious darkness that consumes you, eats you up and destroys anything in its path. Those sucked into this void of destruction can almost never break free, the all consuming will tear your mind piece by piece until nothing sane is left inside. Men and women alike fall victim to this evil, no matter how good you can be, how pure you are mentally, it will find a way into you and find your weaknesses. Life is not without its darkness, not everyone can fight it or keep it at bay.


"It is unprecedented, the situation we are in."

Sidon, The Goron Elder and Teba all sighed heavily as the princess spoke.

"But we must overcome this obstacle."

Teba spoke up, raising his wing.

"Why can we not banish him again with Link's master sword and your light magic?"

"I'm afraid we can not just keep doing that. I mean, we do it every one hundred years yet he always returns, seemingly stronger than the last. If we keep this up, eventually not even I more Link can stop his Malice anymore. No, we need a more permanent solution to the matter. Any ideas?"

Sidon spoke up energetically.

"What if we used the power of every kingdom to rip out the soul itself? With all this old technology we have, surely something involves the extraction of souls. Link himself has seen spirits before, so it must be possible."

"I see where you lie, Sidon, the only issue would have to be the matter of the Gerudo. As you can see, the Gerudo Chief is not here today. Our nations are divided once again, and I will need your help reuniting it. The chief has expressed her distrust with a new Gerudo male and wishes no part in keeping him. While I respect their decision, without their help, there is not much we can do. We are limited in power and knowledge without the aid of the Gerudo."

The Goron Chief spoke up, although it was rather quiet.

"We could offer them something. Nothing ties us together like a good benefit."

"That is true, Elder, thank you. Link, send a party to head to Gerudo Desert, I want an analysis on what could convince them to join our cause."

Link nodded and ran off.

"Now back to the matter at hand while we await the return. Here is what we know. Inside Galadorf is an unwanted soul that seems to be slowly growing strength. My working theory is he is obtaining energy through the energy of Hyrule. With malice still in our lands, he still has a connection and can continue to feed off it. We need to send soldiers to hunt as much monsters as possible, sever the connection the best we can to slow down the progress. Send your best warriors back here to be trained under Link, he may be taking a break from large combat missions to help me, he is still very much capable of teaching. Purah will be returning with her party front he sky islands with more knowledge, I will get her input on what the technology can help us with. Sidon, send your men out to catch as much fish as possible. Teba, have your men gather and craft as many arrows of as many varieties as you can, along with upping the archery training you have. Elder, make sure your blacksmith is constantly working, we will need the best quality armor and weapons. Everyone understood?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2023 ⏰

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