A Prophecy

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Galadorf got up the following morning, taking a big stretch, feeling his spine pop, relieving the morning stress he had.

Looking at his horse, which had been grazing the morning grass, he sighed. Finally some peace of mind. After a short few minutes to gather his stuff, Galadorf mounted his horse. He was still in Central Hyrule, if not a little off to the side. Based on that, it should take him about two days time to trek there. Would of been longer if he didn't have his trusty steed.

"Von. That's what I'm gonna name you."

The horse neighed, he took it as a positive gesture. They began on the road which was was gonna slow them down but Von didn't seem to enjoy walking in the grass much, so he had to opt for the paths.

After a couple of hours of horseback, he encountered the most insane thing he had ever seen. Halting his horse instantly, he looked over at a red lynel that was walking in the field. He had to get passed the creature but there was absolutely no way he was gonna be able to get even close to being on the level of a lynel. They were not one of the strongest goons of the Calamity for no reason.

Being the first time he ever saw a lynel, he nearly froze. His horse neighing brought him back to reality as the lynel turned to look at him, snorting. The lynel rounded up and began to charge at him. Galadorf quickly got his horse moving as he just barely moved out of the way. The lynel roared, spooking his horse. The horse kicked him off suddenly and ran away.


He got up and brushed off his pants before looking up at the.massive creature. It dug its hoof into the ground as it readied another charge. He groaned, running out of the way as the lynel galloped at him. He needed to find a way out of the situation, he was not going to be able to take on that monster. The lynel took a stance as it took out its bow and arrows.

"Oh come on!..."

He breathed in as he began to run again, barely missing arrow after each other. One barely skimmed his trousers. After the arrows stopped, he placed his hands on his knees, heaving.

After a moment, the lynel was already galloping at him. He jumped forward, rolling out of the way, getting a mouth full of grass.

Right at that moment, he heard the lynel cry out, turning around, the lynel was on fire with fire arrows jabbed into its body. A bomb arrow rained down on it, causing it to stagger.


he quickly got up and ran into the open field. After he got tired, he sat down. Breathing a sigh of relief, he wondered who had saved him. After looking around, a character plopped in front of him. It was a white and blue feathered Rito male. What he really read about was that they were good at archery and flight.

"Man! Glad I ran into you in time! What were you doing with a lynel with no armor and a practically broken sword?"

"I uh... I ran into it by accident...?"

"Well you should thank your horse, it came running into me, I followed it and found you. Did you get hurt?"


"Well that is good! Hey, you don't look like a female Gerudo... Way too handsome for a woman."

He blushed a little before fake coughing and responding.

"I am a male.... Gerudo..."

He was waiting for a harsh reaction when the Rito went silent before speaking up.

"Well, I must be lucky, men like you are rare!"

"Heh...? Yea.. the last one was real mean haha...."

"Yea, but I'm sure if you were him, you would be all big and scary and not getting his ass beat by a lynel haha!"

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