Journey Fit For A King

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The harsh winds blew him back as he pushed forward, the sand spraying in his face, into his mouth and eyes as he pushed forward. He could see nothing ahead of him but his two hands and grains of sand. After trudging through soft hot sand for nearly an hour, he eventually got through the sand storm the he had accidentally walked into. He could see in the distance, grassy hills, he was getting closer. All of a sudden he heard sand seals barking behind him. He turned to see two Gerudo vai sliding to a stop near him.


He sighed, his mother did warn him about this happening, so he was prepared with what to say.

"I, a humble Gerudo, would be honored to travel and learn of the lands outside my home."

They glanced at each other, not changing their stern expressions, until one spoke up.

"You are aware that it is forbidden for you to leave the desert."

"Show me the papers."

"Wha? Don't mock us!"

"You hold me here because I am male, right? Well so what, do I look like I want to rule?? I could care less!"

"You know you have no right but to take up the throne if things happen to our current Chief. That is a duty written in our history books."

"Don't want it."

"Then begone. But we will warn you, if you are to ever return here, we will take you into custody. This is your last chance to return to your mother."

"I want to travel, is that so hard to ask?"

"What you want and what is good for the Gerudo are not to be compared. You should know the gravity of what you are doing. If you leave, others outside will treat you worse."

"What can be worse than here? I'm always seen as some monster when me and my mom have done nothing wrong."

"You will come crying back soon enough. And we will not accept you back."

With those final words, they whipped the ropes holding the sand seals and they began barking as they started to move forward, pulling the vai along. They stared him down before turning their backs and dashing deeper into the desert.

"How annoying..."

He huffed, getting sand in his lungs, coughing it up suddenly. He grunted after the coughing ended and continued his march to freedom.

After about another twenty minutes of tirelessly walking, he eventually reached the section that divides the sand and the grass. Taking a deep breath of not sandy air, he stepped forward. His foot touched the grass, he wiggled his toes in the soft yet prickly pieces of grass. He couldn't believe his eyes. He jumped forward, falling into the grass and breathing in the fresh air. It was like a miracle he even made it, Gerudo bodies are born to withstand the harsh climates of the desert, but he was still a kid.

After getting his fill of what it felt like to be in sunny blue weather, he stood up and wiped dust off his trousers. He started walking along the dirt path until he spotted a herd of wild horses!He realized it would be useful to have a horse with him. So, gathering his courage he walked up to the herd. Then they all ran away! He scratched his head, unsure how to get one. Than a young brown haired green eyed Hylian approached him.

"Well howdie! You sure are one short vai!"

He didn't realize that Galadorf was a voe. Makes sense, since it would be a rare sight. He tried his best to sound like a vai, mimicking his mother's voice.

"Yea, I need a horse for my ventures, but they don't seem to want to cooperate..."

"Haha yeah, you have to sneak up on them and mount them. They will struggle at first but if you stay on one long enough, they will be less hostile and you can use the horse if it likes you."

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