
Camilla's quarters had once been filled with light and warmth. Flames had danced on the wicks of candles scattered around the room, chasing away the shadows cast by the fire burning in her hearth. And while it had never been spotless, it had been neat. Offering a lived in feel, pieces of Camilla and her love decorated the room. From the Dragon tapestry hanging over her bed, to the sketches of those dear to her stuck to the walls. Every inch of her room was covered, tainted by the Rogue Prince and his affections he had held for her.

Though now Camilla refused to light any candles, the only light came from the sun streaming through her windows. And when the sun set her rooms were covered in darkness. She had attempted to remove any trace of Daemon. One night in the hour of the owl, Camilla had ripped the tapestry off the wall. She had thought to throw it out her window, but hadn't wished to inconvenience anyone. Next she had turned to the empty hearth, wishing to burn the gift, watch it be destroyed before her eyes. But Camilla had no idea how to light a fire, she didn't know how to create flame from nothing and once again she didn't want to bother anyone. So Camilla did the only thing she could think of, she stuffed the tapestry under her bed to collect dust and be forgotten.

At least that was what she had intended, in truth she pulled the tapestry out almost every night. Tightly wrapping herself in the rough fabric as if it was her love's arms. Camilla slept like that and in the mornings she once again hid away the memories, attempting to forget about them. Forgot about him.

Another night, guards had entered her room, thinking she was being attacked. What they found was a weeping woman, attempting to move her wardrobe. Pitying the ward, believing her to still be mourning her aunt, the guards offered their assistance. Carrying the wardrobe across the room, placing it in front of an empty panel.

Rumors of the young Tully's grief passed through the Red Keep, slipping from the lips of nobles and servants alike. Whispers of her going mad filled the halls, looming over her and threatening to crush her. Her chambers became her safe haven, but also her self imposed prison. Camilla only left the four walls if the King called on her, or Alicent and Rhaenyra dragged her out.

Camilla took to staring at herself in the mirror. While she had not changed in the eyes of others, she could barely recognize herself. Her face had grown gaunt, her eyes were sad and hollow and her skin was as white as porcelain. She had lost weight following her inability to eat. Her dresses were laced as tight as possible yet they still hung loose on her frame. Loose everywhere except her midsection.

There the fabric held snug to the top of her stomach, though luckily her preference for flowing skirts hid the majority of her abdomen. The flesh had begun slightly protruding, barely visible when viewed from the side. Camilla's hand grazed over her bloated belly. She had ignored her missing bleeds, wanting to believe it was due to her grief. But as the days went by, Camilla could no longer deny the truth.

Daemon's child grew in her womb.


Following her acceptance, Camilla had broken down. Cursing the Mother and her own stupidity, insults and cries fell from her lips. Blame was cast on the Mother Above though it landed on Camilla. When she ran out of vitriol, Camilla began praying to the Crone. Begging for guidance, for a sign of what to do. She promised if given the chance she would not waste it, any solution would do at this point.

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