Guy Vs Milim Pt.1

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The flight toward the rampaging Milim wall silent, Guy mostly still in pain and noticeable fear from what Velzard said im guessing. I still do not wish to know what Velzard could've said to strike so much fear into the great primordial red, who fought Veldanava even with no fear. Velzard seemed to be entranced by the cuteness of the baby dragon who to Guy's joy is still asleep. Velzard had made sure we would fly slow toward Milim even though it was an emergency. I guess she would pay any price to let the baby dragon sleep peacefully? Along the journey so far I tried to speak to Velzard but she seemed to busy with the baby dragon she cradled in her arms so I didn't push it when she ignored me, not wanting the same fate a Guy, who would still occasionally receive a death glare from Velzard I'm guessing to keep him in check. Now I will try to strike up a conversation with Guy, personally I want to see how he will handle this situation with Milim. I know of his escapades fighting Veldanava and losing but Veldanava wasn't enraged like Milim is and she is the son of Veldanava meaning she must've inherited some of strengths and Skills. Right?

Ramiris: How do you plan on dealing with Milim?

I spoke aiming my voice at Guy with the movement of my eyes focusing my gaze onto his face, so he knew I was speaking to him.

Guy: Well how else, I will fight and tire her out until she isn't in the state to rampage.

He spoke in a matter-of-fact tone as if the answer was so obvious. In truth this idea is only as obvious to someone stupid enough to try and fight and even outlast the daughter of god while they are in an angered state.

Ramiris: Will you be able to outlast her though?

Guy: I'm Sure I will. Maybe I can even nab one of her godly skills!

I dead panned my gaze still focused on Guy as he just admitted openly to wanting to steal her 'Godly skills'. The look on excitement on his face didn't last long as he returned to a serious expression while clearing his throat.

Guy: Uhem. I mean, maybe I can train her to use her godly skills afterwords?

Ramiris: Yeah, Sure bub.

Guy: ???

On conversation was ended by a massive surge of energy in the form of a beam which in front of our eyes sliced the caps of mountains of with ease, following the beams course with our gazes (Guy and I Velzard is still to busy with the dragon) we noticed they were originating from a small girl with two pink ponytails. Solitude and Disdain visible in the child's eyes as she fired out beams of suffocating energy that permanently scarred the environment around them. The Giant's Continent.

In an instant Guy shot off towards Milim, I did however noticed he stayed at a slowed pace until he got far enough away from Velzard and the baby dragon.

Guy Crimson:

As I dashed towards Milim the look of despair become more visible as it had been etched into her expression along with, hatred and indignation. Upon noticing my increasing presence Milim began to scrutinize my appearance, and possible even power. She may be controlled by Wrath but at least upon detecting a strong enemy she did inspect them, to a certain degree. I espied that she was still watching my presence even from a distance which could be over 100 miles, it didn't really matter as I was traveling above the speed of sound, I would say about Mach 15 or about 191 miles per minute which means our fight would begin in around 30 seconds. At the thought of fighting God's literal daughter, I felt a cold flush of adrenaline pump through my veins and arteries.

(A/N) We just gonna act like they know what Mach is, ok?

When I was in a range of around about 50 miles I concluded that Milim had begun flying toward me, matching my speed. Once Milim was in sight I saw her aiming a punched directly at my skull, in a matter of milliseconds her fist slammed down on the location I was just in the few milliseconds ago. Now behind Milim I attempted grabbing her other arm and slamming her down into the hard surface, about 2000 meters below us, but she too was able to dodge.

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