animal out break

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Right now, some people were standing outside of a burning building that was started by villains. Pro heroes didn't show up yet and there was a mother and her child inside of the burning building. Inside the building the mother and the child tried to escape the room but burning falling debris fell and blocked their way. More burning debris started and one was about to fall on them so the mother covered her son to protect him as they closed their eyes preparing for the worst. But nothing happened so when they opened their eyes to see what happened, they saw Heatblast which amazed the child.

Child: Who are you?

Heatblast: I'm just another hero trying to do what's right.

He said, trying to sound cool. He then threw the debris he was holding away before he looked at the fire and sticked at his hand and started to absorb the fire into his hand, getting rid of all of the fire inside of the room.

Heatblast: cool, I didn't know I could do that?

Mother: Is this your first time being a pro hero?

She said in a worry voiced

Heatblast: yeah lets go with that, now come on!

The started to get worried but her son didn't mind at all so he followed heatblast and so did the mother. They left the room to the hallways and when they did, heatblast saw the stairs.

Heatblast: this way!

But then the stairs collapsed

Heatblast: on second thought, that way.

He pointed at the end of the hallway to the window. He then blasted flames to the wall into a circle which caused parts of the wall to fall off. Then a massive wave of fire came out of the burning building causing some people to scream but then the heat wave landed to the ground revealing heatblast with the mother and child.

Heatblast: I'm sure you all want to thank me personally but I was just doing what any other hero would— whoa! No way! A golden limited edition All might card! Where'd you get that!

He said as he got distracted by the child's hero cards. He then bent down to the child's height.

Heatblast: I've been searching all over for that! How did you get it!

Child: I just opened a lot of card packs.

He said with some confusion as bystanders were also confused to see what seemingly is a pro hero acting childish.

Heatblast: ha, really. Does your quirk give you super luck or something?

Then he heard a car honking, he turned around to see Ina in the Rv van with Grandpa.

Ina: um, excuse me hero, I'm pretty sure that fire was a distraction for the villains to rob the jewelry. So you should get going.

Heatblast: oh right, alright make sure you never play with fire!

He said as he ran into the Rv van leaving the bystanders confused

Time skip

The chase was on, the villains were in a car trying to escape the scene, while they were driving away, behind them was a Rv van. Inside the Rv van was heatblast, Max, and Ina trying to stop the villain. While driving the van, Max started to smell something burning, he looked next to him to see Heatblast was burning the chair.

Max: knew I should have bought those asbestos seat covers when I had the chase.

Heatblast: sorry grandpa, I can't help it. I'm hot. Man, I wish Selen saw me that way.

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