chapter 6

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Dream and george were sitting on dream's bed just chatting for a bit, dream was having few books on his pillow, george was wondering, does dream like to read? he begun to question that, "hey dream-", "yea whats up?" dream looked at george, "so you like books?" brunette asked looking at the books on the pillow besides them, "at the free time why yes! but i don't have much, because you know- money problems, i need to save it up so i can help nick too, he did so much for me i really need to pay him back for everything" dream said looking down, " sorry for that" george said, "mhm" dream looked at george.

nick made them some cheap snacks, since  they didn't have a proper tv in the house, george took his laptop and they watched a movie together(they watchet spiderman no way home since nick and dream never watched it before) its already getting late, george needed to go back, dream got out of the flat with george, both said goodnight, as george was leaving he saw dream taking out a pack of ciggaretts, "so he does smoke huh" george thought, he didn't like it but as long as that made dream feel just a little bit better than he guessed it was okay.

as the days passed all three of them became reallyclose, nick met george's friends and they seem to get along well. but there's one simple thing george didn't ask those two, their birthday, the most common thing to ask, nick told him right away with no hesitation, but dream just said "its not important" george felt bad when he heard that, but nick got george to his room to talk privately.

"look george, you look little upset after dream said that, he doesn't really like his birthday, he has reasons behind it i guess, i dont know the details" afterwards nick told him when dream's birthday was, IT WAS ALREADY NEXT WEEK?! (Not og) "wait nicholas, did you plan anything for his birthday?" george whispers to nick, "well i always throw up a suprise, his fav food,drinks and play some of his fav songs, i  can't afford to buy him anything, i  feel sorry everytime dream gets me a better present because i never actually buy him anything..but he doesn't seem to enjoy his birthday in any way we celebrate" nick said with upset voice, "well this time lets change something i have an idea" george said, "go on, im listening" sapnap got closer to george, "well i was thinking, since i have my own money and money from my collage,i was thinking, we both can chose a perfect present for him, get a cake, i'll call my friends bc they seem to get along pretty well, and throw up a small party, and also first, i'll distract him for the time you need to get present and get everything ready and call my friends, ill give you their phone number" george whispered to nick's ear, "that isn't bad, but why do i have to pick a present and shit?!" sapnap yelled silently, "you know him better than me, you know what he likes, i'll give you my credit card, dont spend everything please-" george giggled, "i'll spend as much as i need" nick spoke.

george walked out of nick's room, he didn't see dream anywhere, maybe he just left on a walk he thought, or is he in bathroom??? anyways it was already 6 pm, he better get going home. by the next day, he saw dream working at the caffee that morning, george went there, now the rules of the caffee is that workers need to have white short sleeved shirts and the uniform on it which always revealed half of  their arm, george was still little confused, why  was dream wearing the bandages always, he didn't get hurt that bad, no? but george didn't want to bring that up. by the end of the week, nick was still planning the party for dream in past 5 days, he called everyone and told them everything, now tomorrow was that special day, dream's birthday, dream doesn't seem to be very happy about it.

tomorrow,nick got really early, left dream a sticky note on the fridge saying "im sorry that i have to leave you for your birthday bro, don't wait for me, food is in the fridge, your fav!" it was by now 9 am, dream had a day off, he got up from his bed and went to kitchen and saw his note, now may i explain, they both always  leave eachoter notes before they go or if they left anything like that. dream smiled a little, dream sat down at the table to eat. meanwhile sapnap went to buy everything he needs for the suprise party, the cake, perfect present, decoration and everything he needed. it was now 10 am as dream heard a knock on the door, it was george, ready to distract dream for today, dream was by that time just lying in his bed staring at the ceiling, he managed to go out with george as the first 45 times refused to go out.

nick was first off to book shop as he knows what dream is intrested in, books, there was a crazy amount of book genres,and they were cheap, thats what nick wanted to see, it was about 5 dollars per book, which leaded nick to buy about 4 books that dream seemed intrested in. then he went to the mall to see what was there, he went to clothing shop,bc he knows that dream doesn't have anymore clothes expect few hoodies shirts and jeans. he wanted to buy dream new shoes because the one he was wearing were all old and damaged, he hoped it was his size, after buying those presents, he went to buy a cake, a chocolate one, he didn't know what other guests liked so he just assumed,everyone likes chocolate,right?

he bought some simple birthday decorations for the small flat. by that time it was already about 3 pm, he texted george "you still with dream?", "yea he's with me, please hurry up he wanna go back home already he doesn't like this" george responded quick. well nick got home as fast as he could, about 10 mins after  he arrived home, niki,wilbur,alexis and tommy were already there,wanting to help him.

about 3 hours passed, they got everything ready, nick texted george to go back home and that everyting was ready, about an hour later they arrived, dream opened the door and it was dark inside, as he turned on the lights everyone umped yelling "happy birthday dream!!"

dream was staring in shock, george giggled and said happy birthday as well, everyone handed their presents, it were simple presents as chocolate, and some clothes. but nick didn't give his one yet, george went to nick, took his card back and turned to dream, "happy birthday bro, i know you don't like presents and suprises, but i was more than glad to be big part of this" nick said while handing him the present, as he was opening the box, he saw 4 books firstly, he took them out and was shocked to see that they were the ones he wanted to read for so long, he felt overwhelmed with joy, he didn't smile tho, he was just staring at them, the next thing were some pretty nike sneakers, he loved them.

first thing that dream said  was "how much was all this?!!", "no dream- it wasn't much and its okay, its mine and george's money, don't worry about it-" nick said staring to get defnsive, dream just wiped his eyes and mumbled "i need to pay you guys back...", "dream no no need for that, we dont want anything in return, its a friendly present fot your birthday-" george spoke, everyone were just staring kinda shocked from dreams reaction, dream still didn't give up from paying it back, he was ready to do it weather they like it or not.

dream thanked them all but still wasn't excited about the party. thought they had a great time,

author- loosing motivation again oops-

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