chapter 3

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george didn't sleep well whole night,he was still traumatized about what had happened,he was still afraid to be alone since, afraid to be alone in public. Next morning it was about 8AM when george  got out of his bed to eat something, he walked out of his dorm and got greeted by niki and wilbur who were awake that early.

George did not know if he should tell them all about last night, but then at the other hand, he really needed to vent, his friends were aall thrustworthy so he could,

George,Wilbur,Tommy,Niki and Alexis got together in about an hour later,they went out for breakfast.within 30 min later they headed back. "Hey guys-" george said nervious, "yea whats up?" wilbur said while the rest of them looked at george, "When we get back can you all come to my dorm i  need to talk to you about something." brunette spoke while lookng down, "of course george!" niki said.

About 20 min later they were back, everyone headed to george's dorm. "what did you wanna talk about?" alexis asked, "wel..something had happened last night that still makes me terrefied...i couldn't sleep because of it." everyone looked all confused and a little desperate to find out wha it was because they all wanted to help him out.

"hey gogy, whats wrong? what had happened?" tommy asked looking worried while holding george's shoulder. "Well..-" after george explained everything, niki hugged him, they all tried to comfort him in any way, but not Wilbur, Wilbur was something else, he was angry, not at george. but at the man who did that to george, Wilbur looked down, squeezes his hand into fist, "George.." wilbur said quietly frustrated, "Will- Are you okay?-" george asked worried, "im really sorry.." he said it repeatedly over and over, tear dropped from his eye down his cheek.

"Hey hey hey- what for? you didn't do anything" george spoke not knowing what to say anymore he was worried about Wilbur. "i shouldn't have left you there, i should've stayed with you longer, im sorry.." more tears started going down his cheeks. 

Everyone were shocked by this point, tommy went next to wilbur and wrapped his hand around his shoulders to try and comfort him, wilbur wasn't the only one who left george that night, thee was tommy also, tommy did feel guilty for doing so.

"Hey guys don't worry, besides that at least he didn't manage to do it!" george said looking up at wilbur hoping that it would just make wilbur feel less guilty, but it did not. "George, who was the guy who saved you? you mentioned him tho?" alexis asked, "its weird, i don't know how to explain, we kinda seen eachother few times and he kinda saved me from probably being dead, we managed to catch up the following night, his name is Dream, kinda weird name isn't it?" george said. "isn't it kinda suspicious that that dream dude is always there? i mean seems like hes never home-" niki said confused.

"To be honest, it is kinda weird, its the second time and probably you two passed by eachother maybe just this morning you'll never know" alexis said while looking at george. Brunette boy couldn't even agree more, or maybe its just a coincidence after all. After they all decided to watch a movie, after the movie they wanted to sleep in  a same room as george, because tommy suggested it, tommy knew george was afraid to be alone after something like that.

the next ornin after their lecures george and wilbur went to local caffee to have a chit chat and take a break,the waiter came to get their order "Wait- George?-" it was dream, george by that was suprised to see dream to work here, he didn't know, "who is this?" Wilbur asked, "Oh its the guy i told you about yesterday!" brunette said facing wilbur.

"Oh-" wilbur got off his seat and walked towards dream and put his hand out for a handshake, dream did shake his hand but he was confused, "told him? what was happening, what did he tell him? Was it something bad?" dream thought.

"Thank you Dream, for what you did for my friend, i couldn't appricate more that you were around that night" wilbur said smiling. "Oh- well erm- its all good i guess?- " dream said feeling a little uncomftortabe. "so how did you even manage to realize what was happening?" wilbur asked all cirious. "well, its nothing really, i was just walking around the area, i ust heard bangs inside and what seemed like cries, i really didn't know what was happening or if i should even come in" blonde spoke while scratching his neck.

"im glad you decided to walk in tho" george mumbled.They got their order, wilbur wanted to pay, they chatted for a bit and left.


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