Untitled Part 17

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When Sebastian's birthday rolled around.

Ian made a bunch of stuff, he was busy working on stuff after he did his homework.

He got all the craft stuff he could get at the dollar store that he needed and worked on gifts while also getting those anime surprise boxes.

Lucky for him the dollar store in this area was cheap.

He went to put stuff in his used car and when he got home he went to work on it.

"What are you doing. "Said Salem.

"Working on Sebastian's gift, his birthday is coming up and he got me such a awesome gift." Said Ian.

Sebastian got him a anime figurine of a basketball centered anime that Ian liked.

He got it from a claw machine when he was out of town but kept it a surprise.

A few months ago Salem got Janson a jersey from a sporting goods store for his birthday.


Ian went to paint a small canvas.

He also had a bunch of stuff he got- mini anime figures and anything theater related.

Luckily for him there was a sale and also he's started a new job next month over the summer.

This project took two hours to make.

He put so much work into this.

The anime figurines were put in little bags and put inside the gift box.

When the party arrived.

Ian brought the gift with him.

Salem was invited since well Sebastian gets along with him.

He got a shirt from one of those dollar store five below stores because Sebastian likes to diy shirts.

When they arrived at the party.

It was fun but you could tell that Mr. and Mrs. Akiyama didn't like the fact that their son had so many pocs friends who weren't East Asian.

Sebastian was happy to see Ian.

Ian is the first guy Sebastian has been with who's a jock.

The party was good and Sebastian was happy.

Ian met Sebastian's siblings.

One is a doctor, one works in a office and one owns his own small business food company.

The thing is Sebastian also has a younger sister but she keeps to herself because she's shy, she only has two friends but she's happy with that, her parents aren't because to them it ruins their image.

She was forced to join everyone but once she got some cake she went back inside.

Ian was nervous to meet Sebastian's siblings.

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