Untitled Part 4.

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Salem came home and was in a better mood.

He told his parents how his day went.

They were shocked.

Later on .

"I thought you hated our new school now you're happy, wait is this about Janson. "Said Ian.

"I don't know what you're talking about. "Said Salem.

"You like him. "Said Ian.

"I'm not going to answer that. "Said Salem.

"So you do like him, my goth brother likes a basketball jock boy. "Said Ian.

"Okay I like him, he was so nice to both us and he didn't make fun of the food we were eating ."Said Salem.

Salem is a goth, meanwhile his brother dresses like basketball is his life- I'm talking jersey, basketball sneakers, denim jeans, hoodies, snapbacks those kind of outfits while also wearing eyeliner, blush and painted nails because makeup is genderless.

Both brothers are gay but their oldest sister is pan and as for their little brother he's bisexual and well most of their family minus their dads and like one aunt are straight.

Jolyn wears mainly anime tee shirts and baggy clothes- he dresses like a skater boy.

Shevon their sister dresses very comfortable until it's a formal event then she's wears heels that hurt and her hair is out of it's ponytail.

Shevon is a college student while Jolyn is a freshman but he goes to another school because he didn't want to to to the same school as his brothers.

It's currently October when they started at this school.

The next day Janson asked the twins if they celebrated Halloween.

"Yeah. "Said Salem

Then he asked "If you're not busy Salem there's a haunted house thing the school has you should come."

Later on.

"He invited you not us to a Halloween thing. "Said Ian.

"So he's being nice. "Said Salem.

Ian didn't say a word.

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