"H- how would you know that? N-nobody would save her-! She was alone -" his face left my shoulder and he looked into my eyes.

"We don't know that for sure Pav. Atleast he leaves as a good guy." I go back into the hug, patting his back slowly in circles so that he feels calmer.

A nurse came out of Bhim's room. Looking into my eyes and nodding in disagreement. He's gone.

"P-pav-" tears fall down my eyes as I gesture him to look at the nurse. His poor world was shattered. It was as if the tiny strand of thread he was surviving on, broke, leaving him hanging on to something that can't handle his weight and grip.

I watched Pav as he took my hand and dragged me into Bhim's room. He needed company, and i could respect that. Maya aunty didn't know about Bhim yet. I was the only family he had here.

He saw the monitor flatlining, the long beep, telling him that Bhim was really dead. He couldn't be brought back. Ever. He saw Bhim's face, there was still a smile on it. Pav fell to the floor, sitting on his knees, kissing the hands of his almost father. I stood behind him as support, trying to comfort him. Bhim was like a second father to me, when i needed someone who believed i could do anything. Tears rolled down my sleeve, landing on Pav's shirt from the edge of my fingertips. I can't lose two people in the same day.

He got back up after a while, I hugged him again, putting one hand behind his head, so he knows he can always talk to me about anything.

He left my arms after a few moments, looking at me, at my clothes, and chuckling a bit at my white shirt stained red. I'm glad he was a bit calmer now.

"You know, his last words to me we're 'with great power must come great responsibility', i haven't been able to stop thinking about it. And when I saw him now, i could feel his soul, hugging me, telling me that I can't linger around because of him leaving. He told me I was strong, and that he loves me no matter what. I think that makes this a bit better" Pav told me, as we left the room, seeing Bhim for the last time probably ever.

I didn't leave his side, even though hours passed by. I gave him the other cord of my earphones and we both got lost in the music for a long time. Maybe it's 4am now? I don't know. We have school, but I think it's best if we stay here.

The hospital staff comes in to tell us that we can't stay here for all the time that Mehek is inside. That she's going to be here for a few days and it's best we go back home and visit for an hour every day.

I nodded and made my way to the door, my head drooping, Pav was following me from a safe distance. He knew that right now I was the one hanging onto the tiny thread which couldn't handle my weight. We found an autorickshaw and went back home. He lived in the house next to mine, so it wasn't a burden to share on rickshaw.

I waved goodbye as i climbed into my room from outside, rather than opening the door. He knocked on the door to meet a very scared Maya aunty, whom he hugged immediately after.

I sat on my bed, trying to fall asleep without remembering anything that happened today. She'll be fine. The doctors will take care of her. She'll be fine.

(⁠☆⁠▽⁠☆⁠) [10am]

I woke up to the sound of an alarm i didn't remember putting. Fixing myself into a normal sitting position as i look at the man who did put the alarm.


Even after everything that happened less than 6 hours ago, he seems normal. I wish I could do that. But I guess everyone deals with trauma differently.

He sits beside me and kind of relaxes on my bed, putting his hair back. I get out of bed to change my shirt, i usually don't wear a shirt while sleeping but last night felt cold.

I open my closet, suprised to not find myself in there. I pick out a sweatshirt which won't be easily stained red, just in case. I found my black sweatshirt and put it on.

I turn around and glance at the boy sitting on my bed.

"Is there a reason you're here?" I sit on the chair in front of my desk, if there's an expression which goes deeper than the frown, that must me what my face did. The side parts of my lips felt so heavy.

"You wanna talk?" The boy said, sitting up straight, putting his elbows on his knees and resting his face in his hands.

"I don't think I'm quite ready yet to do so" I try pulling the weight to smile a bit. I look at him nod slightly, understanding where I'm coming from.

He scrolls through his phone and i scroll through mine. We're sitting in silence. Comfortable silence. Forgetting all about our problems. Switching apps, scrolling more.

The world is so dull and the only thing to make it livable is content. So why does everything still feel so empty.

Pav seemed to get a message and he said he had to leave. I let him, and then I'm alone again.

I'd play games on my xbox, but everything reminds me of her, and i don't wanna do that, when i know she's coming back. Right? She's a fighter.

I guess I should go meet Aaryan to tell him the news, he's probably wondering why she didn't meet him today. It's a good enough reason to get out of my room.

I get out of bed, change into something a bit casual, so I can actually walk around this neighborhood. I grab my earphones, and play another playlist.

And every weekend she studies hard in her room, atleast that's what her parents assume

Nope. Let's change the song I don't wanna hear that. Not today. Not yet.

Oh god where does this guy even live? He lives around i know that.

I wear my shoes wondering if i remember where he lives. A blue house was it? No wait that was Seerat, he had a big white house with brown tiles.

I get out of my house, one earphone in, listening to whatever song came on.

I was paying attention to everything. Everything but the car that was flying towards me. I knew i should run away, that this car would finish me. But at that moment, I froze up. Staring into the void, everything went white, maybe this is what they mean when they say "i see the light".


Heyooo!! It's Cal, if you haven't read from Astrid's fic, both of us are gonna upload our chapters after breaks now, rather than a fixed schedule, we'll take 2 days break each and come back with a chapter. This is hopefully the final thing :)))

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