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Kentrell Gaulden
Point Of View:

Kentrell sat in his studio making a new beat for the song that would be coming out but this was a different Kentrell he is a strong man going to jail for five years changing him. Kentrell lost his memory the person who picked up that call was his mother she didn't even tell him about his girlfriend or his child cause he felt they were going ruin his future.

Kentrell's head felt heavy and then he stand up he just grabbed his head all his memories were coming back then he saw her face the one word he said was Jemila. He remember his baby and the times they had together. He walked out of his room and saw everybody in the living room together laughing or fighting with each other his mother was standing there cooking. He remembered his mother kicked him out and all why the fuck she was in my house.

"Get the fuck out," Kentrell says.

"Ken stop playing with me," Grace says laughing.

"Naw you kicked me out 'cause my girl was pregnant get your shit and leave," Kentrell says she was shocked he remembered.

"Where Jemila" Kentrell asked.

"She didn't know about you getting shot," Ben says.

"Mane I need to find my girl and baby," Kentrell says he grabbed his phone to try to find out.

Jemila King
Point Of View:

Jemila sat in the room painting Kentrell's face she miss him so much she hadn't t be in any relationship for the past years. All her love belongs to Kentrell and nobody else except her baby girl Konani.

"Mommy" Konani ran over to her.

"Hey baby girl," I said picking her up.

"Dada" Konani pointed at the painting.

"Yea dada," I said looking at it please come back to me baby.

"Mama when I meet Dada" Konani asked.

"Soon baby," I said years had been great for me I became a famous painter and singer doing things for myself and I know if Trell was here he would be happy. Trell would love the hell out of Konani she is his mini she reminds me about him all day. I made sure she knows her father.

My phone started ringing it was Brianna one of my closest friends.

"Wassup," I said putting Nani down.

"We going out tomorrow to see my man friends and please don't have an excuse," Brianna says.

"Okay I'm coming but don't act different," I said Bri is so weird every time we go out don't like that type of energy around me.

"Whatever" She hung up.

"Come on baby let's go eat," I said walking out of my painting room.



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