𝐕 - 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐥

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The four of you arrived at a building door, the building was tall, fairly slim, and made out of stone, it looked quite old yet well maintained, it seemed to have importance. Armin reached forward and knocked three times on the old wooden door.

"Come in." You heard Erwin say faintly from behind the door. You suddenly felt a pang of nervousness deep within your stomach, and holy shit you were about to meet Erwin Smith!

Armin opened the door, and the four of you stepped inside, you at the back, following the three scouts in a single file. The room was relatively empty, you could see the main desk which Erwin was sat at, it was littered with papers and a couple of empty mugs, there was a few wooden book shelves, filled with books of different sizes, which rested on grey stone walls, two chairs with leather seats were located in font of the main desk and to the left of them was a wooden chest of draws. The room was lit by the sun beaming in through the two windows on the back wall behind Erwin. However, the room was still chilly.

"Ah, Arlert. Was the mission a success?" Erwin asked him before all of you had even entered the room, clearly eager to find out if whatever the mission at hand had failed or not. You stayed behind the scouts out of view from the commander.

"Yes, Sir, the titan was taken care of." Armin replied quickly. "It was an abnormal, but to say it was a major threat to the walls, we could not tell, we took it out as not to risk that happening."

"Very good, well done the three of you" Erwin praised, yet to notice your presence.

"Oi, Armin." You froze, a new voice interrupted the conversation, and you instantly knew who it was. "Who's the girl?" The voice asked. This was your cue. You walked around the three scouts which were in front of you, partially blocking your form to come face to face with not only Erwin but Captain Levi too. Both men were staring at you as you appeared. You quickly bowed half your body down in front of them.

"Excuse me, i didn't mean to intrude. I was brought here by Armin, Mikasa, and Jean as i have some urgent information i need to share with you, Commander Erwin." You said as calmly and clearly as you could, you could feel your hands shaking, your heartbeat racing again. You stayed down, staring at the worn wooden floorboards for a moment until someone spoke.

"What's your name?" You heard Erwin say. You shot back up, standing with your arms firmly by your side, trying to look as respectful as possible.

"(F/N). (F/N) (L/N), Sir." You said obediently. Erwin swiftly turned his attention to Armin, Jean and Mikasa.

"The three of you are dismissed, good work out there." He spoke calmly. The three scouts saluted in synchronisation, each thanking Erwin and left the building, shutting the door behind them, leaving just you, Erwin and Levi in the

You stood in front of the two men, feeling a little bit sick as you waited for either of them to speak. You glanced over at Levi, you noticed his eyes on you, looking you up and down clearly taken back by your clothing and how well you looked. Not a lot of civilians from Trost looked this well in health, looked this well fed, looked this clean, and he knew you were no ordinary citizen. His eyes made their way back up you yours and you quickly shot your gaze back to Erwin, who also seemed to be inspecting your appearance too.

"So, (Y/N)," Erwin started, "What district are you from?" He asked. Ah shit, you knew this question was coming. You thought about what to say.

"I'm not from the walls, Sir." You simply said, not wanting to full on say you were from another universe just yet. You noticed his eyes widen a bit.

"Not from the walls?" He repeated, keeping his cool. "May i ask where you are from?"

"I'm sorry, Sir, but i think it would be easier to explain if i told you what i need to tell you." You say politely. You could feel Levi's intense stare burning through your skull.

"Just tell us where you are from." Levi said sternly, you turned your head to look at him, his steel grey eyes oozing annoyance and maybe some curiosity.

"I'm sorry but it's not that simple. If i can just tell you what i desperately need to tell yo-"

"Just tell us where you are from, you brat." Levi repeated, his voice becoming louder and more irritated.

"Levi." Erwin sternly said, giving the captain a harsh stare, telling him to shut up which earned a 'Tch' from the small man.

"My apologies." Erwin said to you. "Tell me what you want to tell me."

This was it. You sighed quietly before you spoke.

"Commander, i have developed a way that any living entity can travel to different universes, and i would like to bring you and every single person within these walls back to my universe, where you will no long have to deal with titans ever again."


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