Chapter Thirteen

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Midori's POV

"What about this one?"


"And this one?"

"Go ahead."

"How about this one then?"

"Take it."


I yelled at last, exasperated by his forlorn behavior. I mean, I knew his behavior was always forlorn, but he could at least try to show a little more interest when I was shopping. Maybe it was a consequence of how I usually went shopping with Shinobu nee-san or Uzui-san, people who always, always, took joy in pointing out even the slightest errors in any dress or ornaments I chose and telling me to look for another one. But Giyu? Shopping with Giyu was worse than shopping with Kanao nee-san, and that was saying something since Kanao nee-san needed to flip a coin to make the smallest of decisions. On this particular evening, I had asked Giyu to go shopping for some new kimonos with me because my training with Uzui-san was going to be starting from next week, after which I was not going to receive too many opportunities to spend time with my fiance.

However, my fiance here was barely interested in what I was buying. I wondered how I had lasted a whole year with him by now, regardless of how much I loved him.

"Midori, the reason I don't care about what kimono you buy is because you'd look beautiful in anything you wear."

Ah, that was why I had lasted a whole year with him. He was, very shockingly, quite a smooth flirt.

"You seem to love her quite dearly, don't you?"

A sweet feminine voice pulled my attention away from Giyu, sparing my blushing face any further embarrassment, and we both turned our heads to find the owner of the kimono shop smiling at us. She looked just as elegant and sophisticated as all the rumors circulating around this particular kimono shop, called the Blue Spider Lilly, claimed. Everyone at the Butterfly Mansion had heard plenty about this particular store which, though small and located in a quiet and isolated corner on the outskirts of the Entertainment District, was incredibly popular for the fine quality of the kimonos sold. None of us had ever thought about paying it a visit though, until Uzui-san had told me that it was the perfect location for me to spend my last outing with my fiance and the perfect location for my shopping trip before my training started.

When I asked him how he knew the exact address and even shop number of a store in the Entertainment District, of all places, he had immediately yelled at me and chased me away.

"I do love her, yes."

Giyu responded to the woman, at which she chuckled softly and shifted her focus to me.

"Do you love him the same?"


"My, not a bit of hesitation. Are you two promised to each other in marriage?"

"We are, Ma'am."

"Would you like me to show you some wedding kimonos then?"

"Oh, no, no, thank you."

I smiled awkwardly. This woman was being very kind but very straightforward.

"We won't be getting married for another two years. And I'd like to buy my wedding kimono with my sisters there to advise me."

"Very well. But two years? How old are you now?"


"And you plan to keep a man like him waiting until you're fifteen? Don't be foolish, girl, tie him down before his eyes drift to ano-"

To the Flames of the SunTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon