Chapter Twelve

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Midori's POV

I remained seated at the table in silence, staring at the woodwork of said table with probably what looked like a stunned gaze. After what Uzui-san told me only a few short minutes ago, he had led me into one of the bustling main markets of the city where the tea house selling my favourite chazuke was located. Then he had sat me down at a table and was grinning like he hadn't just dropped the biggest ever bomb on me.

"Does Kanae nee-san know?"

I asked after finally having had enough of the older man grinning at me like a mischievous brat.


He replied, and a young waitress arrived with two steaming bowls of chazuke balanced on a tray held by her thin hands.

"He hadn't even said anything to me. As you might know, Tomioka is the only one among us all Hashira who barely interacts with any of us, talking to us only if he needs to for work. Makes me wonder how an overly energetic chipmunk like you loves him back."

"One conversation. Can we have just one normal conversation in which you can get to the point without making fun of me?!"

"Jeez, okay. Chill. Have some chazuke."

I looked down at the steaming bowl that had been placed in front of me only moments prior, before looking back up and raising a brow on seeing that Uzui-san had transformed his mischievous grin into a flirtatious smirk directed at the blushing waitress.


I narrowed my eyes when he even started to talk to the waitress.

"Don't you think a young girl of her age should be acting a little more bashful on being told that her crush likes her back instead of looking like an absolute fish with no brains?"

My jaw ticked when the waitress giggled in response to Uzui-san's taunt, her sultry voice betraying her innocent face when she spoke.

"I agree, sir. Would you like me to be a bit more bashful as well? Perhaps blush somewhere else other than my face?"

"Oh, would you look at that boldness! Very attractive on a lovely young maiden of your stature! Take notes, Midori. Tell me, miss, are those fair hands of yours capable of holding something other than a tray?"

"Yes, sir, these hands may look thin but are completely capable of holding anything you want. Would you like to-"

"He's married."

Both the flirtatious idiots fell silent as I crossed my arms across my chest, slowly opening my eyes to glare at the waitress.


"Come on, Midori!"

Uzui-san groaned out after the waitress had immediately scurried away on hearing my cold tone.

"So what if I'm married? There's nothing wrong in having a little fun here and there, especially when you know I would never actually cheat."

"Flirting so seductively is nothing short of cheating. A verbal form of cheating. And in your case, you're verbally cheating on three women. Greedy bitch."

"Who taught you that word?"

"You did."

I smirked at the surprised stare that popped up on Uzui-san's face, before he groaned once more and leaned back against the headrest of his seat.

"Regardless of how painfully your personality clashes with Tomioka's, at least you'll stay loyal to him. And so will he honestly. There's only one girl crazy enough to fall in love with an antisocial freak like him-"

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