Chapter One

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The G.O.A.T

Yoriichi's POV


I called softly while walking down the hallways of the house.

"Where are you, my little Midori?"

I slid open the door to my bedroom and glanced at the wooden wardrobe to the left end.

"I can't find the girl anywhere."

I spoke out loud, and a small giggle echoed from the wardrobe. I smiled softly and walked over. Ever since she had taken her first step last month, she had not ceased to run all around the house and hide in odd spots, waiting for me to find her with the confidence that I never knew where she was and actually had to work hard to locate her. In reality, I always knew. My hearing senses were sharp, and I had also always bore that special sight since I was a child.

"Daddy's getting tired, Midori, where are you?"

I asked once more as I placed my handle on the door of the wardrobe.

"Isn't my little baby hungry?"


A muffled shriek echoed from within the wardrobe, and I had to hold in my chuckle, before sliding open the door.

"What a lie."

I whispered while staring down at the child staring back at me from the floor of the wardrobe.


She grinned widely and stretched her tiny hands up to me, instigating me to bend down and lift her into my arms. She looked as tiny as a delicate little dandelion when in my arms, but that was also probably because I too was far larger and broader and taller in build than her. I enjoyed the difference though. She could comfortably nuzzle up to my chest, wrapped up in the long sleeves of my haori.


"Of course you are hungry, it's been a while since you've eaten. And you never seem to get tired of running around, do you?"

I pecked her nose once and she giggled softly.

"Will you ever run away from Daddy?"


She didn't understand the meaning of my sentence, but I couldn't exactly blame her either. Only a month had passed since her first birthday, which was also when she had taken her first step. Three months prior, she had said her first word which was her addressal to me, and had never shut up since. She kept listening to and learning to pronounce any new words she heard around her, even if her pronunciation was not always correct. Consequently, everyone could now understand most of what she would try to say.

It made me feel proud of my daughter. She was smart.

"Come on, let's go put something in your stomach."

I muttered and began to walk out of the bedroom, keeping Midori safely nestled in my arms. She extended her hands up to my face and tugged at my lips, gesturing at me to smile for her, and so I smiled for her. She was the only one I did that for anymore. Around everyone else, including the Hashira and even the Master himself, I maintained my usual face. I genuinely saw no point in smiling or laughing anymore.

Not after what I had endured six months ago.

I had met many people since then; many people who admired me for the breathing techniques I taught them. The Demon Slayer Corps had existed long before I had joined, but their strength had amplified only after I had taught them the art of Sun Breathing, from which the Hashira had gradually begun to develop their own breathing styles. But I could never bring myself to smile around them, no matter how much they praised me or tried to befriend me.

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