Chapter Four

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I didn't know what picture to use with this chapter so here, have fun.

Midori's POV

Daddy and I stared at each other in silence for a moment, the forest quiet and tranquil once more, before I burst out crying and ran towards him. I immediately felt myself being lifted into his arms and quickly buried my face into his chest, tightly clinging to his kimono like my life depended on it.

Which, I kind of felt now, really did.

"Daddy, what was that?!"

I shrieked, my horrified voice muffled by his kimono.

"A demon."

Daddy replied, his voice still sounding as calm and stable as ever.

"It-it was so scary and it said it was gonna eat me and-and-"

"I know, I know, my love, I know."

Now Daddy's voice lowered down an octave, to the tone he would use to lull me to sleep, and gently began to stroke my head. I sniffled once and shifted my hands from his kimono to wrap them around his neck once, my fingers looking as tiny as ants compared to the entirety of his body really.

"Demons truly are scary, and that is why the Demon Slayer Corps exists."

"Y-you all are heroes, Daddy!"

I somehow stuttered out through my sobbing, and Daddy didn't say anything for a moment, before slowly removing me from his neck to stare right into my eyes instead. I really had inherited the red eyes that both he and Uncle Michi shared. But, though I was only four years old, even I could tell that the depth and wisdom I could see in their eyes, especially in my father's eyes, were traits that I would never be able to match up to.

"The rule of never leaving the house without an adult, especially after sundown, has been set for a reason, Midori. Demons are active only after sundown, do you understand?"

I nodded, vowing to myself that I was most likely never going to disobey the adults ever again, before looking down at the flowers which had again been scattered all over the ground when I had gone running to Daddy to seek the sense of love and safety I desperately needed after everything I had just witnessed.

"You have a kind heart."

Daddy whispered as he knelt down to pick up the fallen flowers, mainly because I was still trembling and refusing to jump down from his arms.

"I only pray that this kindness of yours does not endanger you again as it did today. Midori."

I looked up at his face as he rose to his feet and tucked the flowers into the folds of his kimono, probably alongside the flute he always carried on him. Since Uncle Michi had made that flute for him, I had asked him if he could make me one exactly like that flute too. Uncle Michi got me five flutes from the market, all in perfect condition because, according to him, he didn't want me to have anything like an old instrument that couldn't even be played properly.

"You may be too young to understand my feelings right now. You are only four years old, after all. But I hope that, in due time, you shall be able to comprehend just how much your very existence means to me."

His lips stretched into a small smile, which was a sight rarer than the sight of Shouta-san not arguing with Zenshirou-san, and he planted a long kiss on my forehead. That was when I sensed it.

His fingers were quivering on my back. He was scared.

My jaw fell. What was Daddy scared about? He was the demon slayer, the hero, who had defeated this demon. Then why was he- My heart sunk and I hugged him tighter, promising myself that from now on, I was always going to obey him and do my best to not hurt him or scare him.

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