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A note from the writer.

Before I start with anything, firstly I just want to thank a couple of great artists! @Wefor_Tomo on Twitter. A dear friend of mine and an amazing artist, the illustrator of the book's cover. @yanseenartist on Instagram. Beautiful art style, a really great artist and a hard worker, the illustrator of my original character's self portrait. I was happy to be Yanseen's first customer. And lastly @Milkyy_Sylv on Instagram, the illustrator of the chibi arts in some parts of the novel. Next I want to thank my friends who have read my first unpublished work titled 'Seeking Heart' . It was my first ever short novel and I was really happy to share it with each and every one of them. Your reactions, critics and opinions are greatly appreciated. They are my sole motivation to keep writing for everyone to experience, and I'm delighted to finally publish my first ever big writing project. The story between Mori Mizuhara and Jin Huiliang. I poured everything for this novel, the blood and tears, the emotions and all of the creativity that my brain can process and create. It was an amazing journey. Each word I type brings me a feeling of fulfilment. Each idea, reaction, critique and opinions from all of you brings me the deepest happiness that I could ever have so far. Truly the smallest things can bring the biggest happiness.

Life is all over the place for me, but writing makes it run more smoothly. A place where I can pour my emotions. Something that I can share and present to everyone in the world. I enjoy it very much, and thanks to all of you who are reading. Bringing different kinds of emotional experience through my novel is what I look forward to. A single good word can change someone's life, just like how a single good catch can make a fisherman rich. I tried my best to make this novel something that everyone can enjoy, a simple love story. I hope each one of you can read it till the end. I hope to see comments and reactions about this novel somewhere. It will be appreciated. I think I made this note long enough. I thank everyone once again. Enjoy reading.

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