𝐈𝐕 - 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬

Start from the beginning

You started jogging up to the scouts, making your footsteps loud and noticeable. "Excuse me?" You said loud enough so all three of the 104th turned to see who had spoken. They all stopped instantly, all three eyeing you up and down, clearly taken back by your clothes. You hadn't thought of that... you must've looked so out of place in your trendy trainers, leggings, and loose t-shirt. Everyone who lived within the walls wore dull, worn down clothes. Some even wore rags, some long dresses. You did not look like an average citizen, that's for sure.

You stopped a respectful distance in front of them and bowed half your body down to the floor to show respect and politeness. "I'm really sorry to bother you," You began, you were staring at their feet for a brief moment but you shot back up, and looked at them in the eyes, your heart flipped in your stomach, you were talking to them and they were looking at you, you still had trouble believing it. "I was wondering if you know where Commander Erwin might be?" You say. You stood incredibly still, struggling to keep eye contact with the trio, your heartbeat was pumping fast, and your hands were shaking.

There was a five second moment of silence, all three scouts still taking their time you look you up and down and inspect your weird fashion

"Why do you want to know?" Mikasa spoke to you monotonously, breaking the incredibly awkward silence.

"I have some urgent information to tell him." You bluntly state. There's no point beating around the bush. I might as well tell them straight up its important.

The three exchanges glance for a moment. "Urgent information?" Jean repeated. "What sort of urgent information?" You thought for a moment if you should tell them but quickly decided against it, it was definitely best to tell Erwin first.

"It's really important, and i don't mean to be rude, but i think it's all for the better if i tell your commander first." You said politely but still slightly rushed. Jean frowned a little, visibly a little irritated and curious as to why you would not tell them.

"What could be so important that you don't even tell members of the Scou--" Jean was cut off by Armin who had given him a light slap on the stomach to shut him up, Armin stepped forward to you.

"We can take you to commander Erwin." He said kindly. Mikasa and Jean both looked at him with wide eyes.

"Armin, what are you doing?" Jean snapped at him, "We don't know this girl for all we know she could be crazy!" You kept quiet, respecting his opinion. You don't blame him, if you were in his shoes, you probably wouldn't trust some random girl saying that have urgent information either. Armin gave you an apologetic smile and turned around quickly to face his friends.

"I know Jean, but what if what she's saying is true? What if it is important? And even if we don't help her, chances are she'll keep searching around for other scouts or any other help until someone does. If we take her to commander Erwin, we will be with her the whole time in case she tries anything funny." Armin explained quietly. Jean sighed in defeat, Mikasa nodded at Armin, agreeing with him. Armin turned back to you.

"Come on, we'll take you to him." He said, smiling sweetly at you. You grinned back.

"Thank you so much!" You chirped at Armin.

You walked with the trio down the streets for a while, you were stood next to Jean at the end of the three. You couldn't help but notice all the glances from civilians walking past at your outfit, you felt a tiny bit uncomfortable and lowered your head as you walked. Jean seemed
to notice.

"So uh, we never asked you your name?" He said in an attempt to distract you from the citizens and also to spark up a conversation. You looked up at Jean, boy was he handsome, you'd always thought he was.

"My name is (Y/N)." You said, shooting him a smile. A very faint pink hue appeared across Jean's checks, of course he was going to blush, he made a pretty girl like yourself smile.

Jean rubbed the back of his neck. "I'm Jean, that's Armin, and over there is Mikasa." He introduced his fellow scouts. Of course, you knew exactly who they were, but you played along.

"It's nice to meet you three!" You said.

"It's nice to meet you three!" You said

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