Dr. Yun put his hand up to stop everyone. "Jin, why are you thinking this is your fault?"

"I-I brought them to th-the carnival," Jin cried. The rest of the members were crying seeing Jin cry. They didn't know how to make him believe that they all got over the blame and knew all of this wasn't his doing.

"Alright, let's camp out here for a moment," Dr. Yun said. "You brought them to a carnival. How does that relate to them being taken?"

Hobi decided to speak for Jin. "Here's what happened. They wanted to go to the carnival. Jin dropped them off and we all went home, planning to pick them up when they called us that they were ready to go. The call never came so Jin expressed worry and we all got in the car to go pick them up, and everyone was gone. They were gone. The carnival was over. We located their phones which were smashed up in the woods and that's when we called the police."

Dr. Yun was still directing his conversation at Jin. "Did you know they were going to be taken?"

Jin shot up. "Of course not! How would I have known that?! I would have never brought them if I had know someone was just going to take them like that!"

"So you're telling me you brought them to a carnival to go on rides and have fun, and then come home right after?"

"Of course." Jin wiped his tears.

"Then what happened to them after you dropped them off was in no way your fault. You couldn't help what you didn't know. You couldn't control what you didn't know. It sounds to me like your motives were pure in intention. You're not the bad guy in this situation. The only people to blame are the people who took them, and everyone involved after that."

Jin was quiet and didn't know what to say. Taehyung and Jungkook were staring at him wide eyed. They had no clue that Jin was carrying so much guilt for this still.

"Not to mention, Jin is the one who saved them," Namjoon added. "He's the only one who had the intuition of what might've happened to them. We all didn't even want to believe him but he just had an instinct." The leader turned to his hyung, "You're the hero here. You have to realize that."

It wasn't the first time they had all tried telling Jin this either.

Jin couldn't help but smile. "I guess I am, huh?"

But it was the first time it had actually stuck with him.

Hobi smiled and nudged his hyung. "Obviously."

"And we can never repay you for that," Jungkook said softly.

Jin waved his hand in the hair. "Over my dead body would I ever even let you try to repay me for that. Protecting you guys is just what we do."

Dr. Yun spoke to the maknae's. "It sounds like you two have a great support system here at home, that's very good."

All of the hyungs couldn't help but blush. They felt slightly embarrassed being praised for something they did that came quite naturally.

After helping Jin with his concerns, Dr. Yun got back to asking Taehyung and Jungkook questions. It took them a moment to open up but they figured they'd told the story so many times already they may as well open up to their own psychiatrist. They started with how they had been taken, the journey through the woods, being in the colony. Dr. Yun mentioned that they needed to express all the details, even the hard ones. He could tell through their hesitation that they were holding some stuff back.

Jimin nudged them and encouraged them to talk about some of the harder details that they'd told the hyungs, like Jungkook being shot at, Taehyung being beaten unconscious, them having to stand there and watch people burn, all the really terrible stuff. "That's the only way you two will get better. You have to be honest."

I'll Protect You, Maknae||TaeKook FF ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora