Meeting My Husband

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I laid in that God awful hospital bed for who knows how long, waiting for someone, anyone to walk through that door. I wanted to know more about my life, about any and all relationships that I had before I fell into a coma 2 years ago. Questions kept buzzing around my head.

What was my childhood like? Who is my mother? My father? Did my parents and I have a good relationship? How did I become best friends with the Queen? Would the Queen be mad because I don't remember her? What about my husband? What was he like?

The list of mental questions ran through my head over and over again, until the solid door opened. I snapped out of my thoughts just in time to see Dr. Olendzki walk in, followed by a petite blonde woman that looked to be around my age, and a very tall, very attractive guy with deep brown hair that fell to his shoulders. Dr. Olendzki broke the silence.

"Rose, this is Queen Vasilissa Dragomir, and her personal guardian, Dimitri Belikov. I'm going to give you some time to get reacquainted with the Queen. Do you need anything before I go?" I only heard half of what the doctor said, because my stomach had started rumbling.

"Something to eat, maybe. I feel like I haven't eaten in years." I tried to make a joke at my expense, knowing that I hadn't technically eaten in almost 2 years due to my comatose state. All three of the people standing in front of me cracked a small smile, but not one of them dared to laugh.

"I'll see what I can conjure up for you, dear. I'll be back. Enjoy your visit, Your Majesty." With that, my doctor turned and left me alone with a pair of strangers.

The room stayed quiet for a few minutes and the tension filled quiet became too much for me. I broke the silence.

"So, Your Majesty, I was told that we are best-" She cut me off. When she spoke, she sounded as though she was trying not to cry.

"God, Rose. I can't believe this. You have finally come back home to us! And for crying out loud, Rose, call me Lissa." She hurried over to the side of my bed and sat on the edge, grabbing my hand. I noticed her guardian still standing near the door. He hadn't moved and he held no emotions on his face. He caught my gaze with his sad, chocolate brown eyes, and suddenly, those eyes felt familiar. I couldn't place it though. I broke the gaze and looked back at the Queen- Lissa. I wondered if she knew that I had no memory.

"Lissa, what did the doctor tell you when you got here?"

"What do you mean?" She looked confused.

"About my memory..." I trailed off, hoping she would understand. She gasped, then sighed.

"She said you don't remember anything. Like you don't have any memories left. Is it true, Rose? Do you really not remember me, your best friend?"

"I'm sorry, Lissa. I really don't remember anything other than the dream I had right before I woke up."

I genuinely felt bad for her. I don't know or remember her, but I'm not heartless. She was my best friend - at least that is what I'm told. She has probably spent every day over the last two years, worrying about when/if I would ever wake up.

"What was the dream?"

"It was about microwave tv dinners. The microwave would not stop beeping. It was really irritating. That's when I woke up." Lissa startled me when she laughed out loud next to me. What was so funny?

"Only you, Rose, would come out of a coma, dreaming about food."

"Hey, what is that supposed to mean? " I tried, and failed, to sound intimating. This time, the guardian near the door spoke. I didn't catch his name earlier. His voice was thick with emotion, causing his Russian accent to be heavy.

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