"How did you do this?"

"Kill your opponent."

"Like this?"

"You're so stupid."

Khaotung who had been annoyed turned to First, this kid was playing the game for the first time while Khaotung was already a pro.
Every time First failed to perform an attack, the two of them would laugh silently, completely uninterested in the talk of their classmates who were still talking about Pawin.
Pawin saw that too, how First was more interested in Khaotung than him.

"What game are you guys playing?" Asked Marc, this time it was Khaotung who took over the game on First's phone.

"I'm playing this too, we should play together." Marc then praised how Khaotung could defeat some of his enemies well.

First and Marc's excitement attracted the attention of the others, Joong and Dunk.
They began to surround Khaotung, who looked like a professional playing the game.
Again, Khaotung naturally became the center of the kids' attention.
They easily forgot about Pawin and were busy praising Khaotung with something that Pawin also did not expect, Khaotung could make everyone come to him without doing anything.
After school, Khaotung went straight to First's house to play with Manaw and his 5-year-old brother, while Manaw himself was currently in the 3rd grade of elementary school, a boy who was just as naughty as First when he was a child.
After playing with Manaw and his brother, Khaotung went inside First's house with a limping leg.
He don't know,  maybe it's because he's not used to using his legs more often, not warming up enough before playing soccer at school earlier.

"What's wrong with you?" Asked First as he came down the stairs, he was just about to go down for play with Manaw and Khaotung, but his friend was in pain on the sofa.

"My leg hurts," said Khaotung as he put his feet up on the sofa.

"That's why you exercise so much, you idiot."

First then put his phone away on the table and sat down on the sofa, first lifting Khaotung's legs and placing them on his thighs.

"These are your veins in shock," First explained as he began to gently massage Khaotung's legs.
"It's really tense, you'll have trouble sleeping tonight."

"Heal my leg~" Khaotung whined, not wanting to have to stay up late because of the pain in his leg.

"It's really cool that you wanted to play earlier, huh?"

Khaotung was used to being accompanied by Joong whenever the kids in his class went to play soccer, but today Joong's leg had healed and he was able to go back to playing soccer. Feeling lonely at last, Khaotung tried to play too and forgot to warm up.

"I don't like Pawin."

First then raised his head, looking at Khaotung who hadn't finished his sentence.

"He uses his money a lot."

First nodded his head, it was fine for Khaotung to dislike Pawin's personality, he had every right.

"You? Don't you like it?"

"Me? I like it," First replied.

First had no problem with Pawin's royal personality, the kids in his class didn't find it a problem either, they were happy. He said they rarely spent money to hang out when Pawin was around.

"Don't show your dislike so clearly, you can't make someone change just because you don't like them."

"Who would want to make him change?" Asked Khaotung irritably, he pulled one of his legs to hit First's shoulder, completely ungrateful.

Bad Friend: 1.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora