30.Apprehensive HIM

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" Hey Ahru, whatcha doing??" Reha asked from another side of the line.

Ahru was sitting in the garden. Cold weather, twinkling stars and rustling of leaves due to swaying of chilly air was so calming for her burning heart. As she was about to call Baekhyun to freshen her mood up. Reha's number flashed on her mobile screen.

" Finding ways to kill someone." Ahru replied to her bestfriend that she hadn't met for about a month now.She could hear giggle across the phone.

" Why?? What did he do again.?" Reha asked.

" Nothing, I guess..." Ahru let out a small pout. Hearing Reha talked casually like old days made her snap out of her state.

They talked about everything. Catching up on things that they haven't talked for a long time. Through Reha's stories Ahru could understood what's going on with her and that Unknown military man. She smiled to herself (they seemed perfect for each other).

Eventually one question had managed to make Ahru's lifted mood sink down again. She should have known it was bound to happen.

" I saw Taehyung with a girl who was clinging to his arms the other day. They were at shopping mall. Who is she??." Reha asked , her voice was full of questions and confusion.

The air suddenly became cold and silent.

" An old friend, she's been staying at Kim Villa with us." Ahru replied in a flat tone.

" Oh ,oh... that's why!! She looked so close to him." Ahru could felt how Reha was smiling and blushing. That made her even more agitated. But she calm herself down as she tried to change the topic.

" Let them be Reha ,what about you" Ahru teased ." How's life?? When are you going to states again to meet him.??"

"I don't think I can go this year. He said he will come instead. I need to reinvestigate a particular case. And I think I should just date work instead."

Ahru knew Reha probably was rolling her eyes. " We need to kill my senior Ru help me!!" Reha said whining frustratedly..

" Let's go I'm ready " Ahru joined as she laughed. Reha managed to lift her mood for the first time ever since Momo barged in her goddamn life. She didn't even know why it was bothering her so much.

" Oh I totally forget! The other day Jackson had called me and told me that Baek cancelled all of his schedule and he's been roaming around like a maniac in the company like someone fed him cucumber. he said company had to face a big loss because of some employee. I think you should give him a call."

" I guess I don't need to , he's calling himself, gonna take it good luck with your case.. bbye" Ahru said accepting the call which flashed 'hyun<3'.

" Hyun--"


" Where is she??" Taehyung asked particular to no one in the study room after their dinner.He lost his appetite as soon as Ahru left the table in hurry.

Nonetheless RM answered." I saw her in the garden... She kinda looked distracted ,she didn't even touched her food today."

Taehyung knew it . He knew it all. He was watching her. She seemed a bit uncomfortable from the day Momo had arrived. He himself didn't knew why but he had strong urge to make her comfortable.

"Take Momo to her bedroom, I have some important matter to discuss with Ahru." He pulled Momo away from him, ignoring her protest and whines. That silly girl was getting nerves on him.

He left the room in search of the doctor. It took a long time, but eventually he found her around corner of the garden.

She was sitting on the green grass back facing near the fountain talking to someone on the phone.Relieved she was okay and smiling Taehyung took a step forward but stopped in midways when he heard her next words.

" Aigoo, you are not a baby anymore. You have to handle your feelings while I'm not there to calm you down." He couldn't hear another person's voice. But he could watched how she was talking calmly almost adoring a person on the phone." I miss you too, now go back to work it will turn out okk. I will see you when I am back. Love you the mostttt"

The moment that words left from her mouth Taehyung felt a bit restless like someone had torn inside of his heart. The more he thought who could it be the more he wanted to slap the phone out of her hand and throw it away.

'love you the most'

The sentence was still ringing in his ears even when he returned to his room and was tucked in his warm blankets ready to sleep. But he couldn't. He felt burning feelings grew into pit of his stomach.


Taehyung frowned with his arm cross against his chest as he watched how Sehun talked animatedly in the living room and noticed how touchy was Sehun to Ahru.

Momo was somewhere he didn't know. And first thing he saw when he woke up the next day was Sehun and Ahru laughing and hugging each other. Ahru still ignored him for no specified reason.

Sehun returned this morning from his trip and bought so many gifts for everyone in the household. And Taehyung wondered did he sent him for a mission or for some type of vacation. When he came to know Momo was there but he ignored the sentence and was staying with Ahru ever since he returned.

It annoyed Taehyung the most because Momo was SeHun's all time crush and he was ignoring his crush for Ahru.

He even thought about the other possibility of Ahru being SeHun's new crush and he didn't like that thought at all. He shivered a little

The sentence ' I love you the most' was still fresh in his memory which was way worse. It gave an unsettling feeling to him.

He watched how comfortable they looked with each other. " She didn't even swat his hands off her tch!!" He cleared his throat a little loud for the two to notice him and walked upto them.

"Didn't I say meet me right after you return from abroad Oh SeHun??" Taehyung asked Coldly eyeing his bestfriend like he could break his neck anytime soon.

" I was there-"

" Don't give me that bullshit and go to meeting room I will be there ." He said occupying the seat next to Ahru who seemed a bit annoyed at his presence." Ahru..I need to tell you something" he started feeling unsettled but to his surprise Ahru stood up with the speed of light , ignoring him.

" Please tell everything to your Momo, Mr. Kim. I'm bit busy" saying this she stormed off leaving him behind gaping of what had happened. Anger builting inside of him he grumbled annoyed." What's wrong with her and why I'm feeling like boiling inside." He didn't like her ignoring him.

He sat there for a long period of time until Sehun called.

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