25.Shattered Promises: A Tale of Love, Betrayal, and Redemption"

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Nothing else could prepare Ahru for what she heard today...

If Ahru's heart had been broken before, now her heart was smashed into a thousand pieces. The way Chanyeol sounded it wasn't she ever had imagined him to be.. .... Ahru's heart hurted so much. Ahru wanted to run away, but she had no more energy to move her body.

She was tired.

' I love you Ahru' she remembered him saying....'I'm sorry for your parents' she remembered him saying when she had cried near their cymmetry.

A horrible chuckle left her lips. Laughing and she could tell herself how hollow it sound... A lonely tear fell as she tried to wipe it away harshly.

At first, she had thought that it was all just a nightmare that had haunted her mind, and that the real truth wasn't like this, that Chanyeol wasn't like this, and that Ahru didn't love murderer of her own parents.
But when she found herself sitting on the couch facing Taeyeon who seemed lost somewhere..... silence filled the air and she knew reality was worse than ever before.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you before I thought when Chanyeol was murdered everything would became normal but I guess I was wrong."

The heart spilled out of Ahru's chest continued to bleed. She knew she should stop but she asked last question she wanted the answer of mostly because she wanted to confirm It- mostly because she didn't wanted any misunderstanding from now on she was blinded by love before but not now .....

"Do you know why and who killed him??" she whispered almost clutching her hands so tight that her knuckles became white.... and Reha would have missed it if not for the silence in the room....

"My father ....because right after that incident he looked like he had realise something and to make it even worse my dad found out he killed his own brother....so when he was arranging your gift after his heated fight with my father on your anniversary day ...news spread faster than it should be and gang members who were loyal to elder Park tried eloping and that leaded to his death."

It took seconds to Ahru until realisation hit her hard ...and she couldn't be any more wrong....she closed her eyes and opened it ... staring at her own hand which was trembling..., squeezing it tightly as warm tears rolled down her own cheeks.

"I-I need to go I --- I need time for myself ," she said in a trembling, broken voice and forced herself from the couch... Pushed past both of them because she really felt like she'd need a fresh intake of oxygen before her lungs would spontaneously combust.

Her world was suddenly spinning madly, making it difficult for her to take a few steps out of Chanyeol's house.

Eventually, she leaned against the brick wall closest to her and sunk to the floor, the ball of her palms pressed to her closed eyelids. She felt so god damn sorry for everything she had ever done to her parents ...to herself ....to Baekhyun to Taehyung to everyone..... And she blamed everything on herself because it had always been her fault.

How could she face herself now without feeling her heart ache to the pit of her stomach?

How could she faced Taehyung now without blaming herself for his brother's death....
She had been engrossed in her thoughts and mind chaos that Reha calling of her name went unheard....instead she left hurriedly not knowing where to go.... the vibrating in her pocket went unnoticed .....

Ahru stood up feeling like she didnt't deserve to live she found herself on the road ...
The one she had given her heart to was never in love with her....her mind telling her what was there left for her to live for?

Her legs slowly stopped and her energy drains immediately, making her trip on her feet. She was so tired. Ahru was so tired and exhausted that she barely registered the pain in her skull after it collided harshly on the concrete. It doesn't matter anymore that she was lying on the road. Her consciousness slowly dissipates just like the sound of a man screaming for her to move and the sound of honking that's awfully near her.

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