58, Billy Chen's Note, part 3

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Dr. Lao speculated that REN YI MEN could transcend time as well as space. If we can do that, we may be able to change history. Many scientists in our universe believe that the universe is not a uni-verse, but a multi-verse. (Previously, most physical phenomena could be explained by Newtonian mechanics and Einstein's theory of relativity. However, with the advancement of science and technology, we have come to understand what is happening in the microscopic world, and we have found that it cannot be explained by conventional theories. Quantum mechanics has evolved to explain it, including superstring theory and multiverse theory. ) The hypothesis is that when a certain event occurs at a certain point in history, history will branch according to the outcome, giving rise to multiple universes with different histories. For example, in our universe and yours, Columbus discovered the Americas, but there is also a uviverse that has a history where Columbus didn't discover America. (Some of them would be universes where Native Americans live peacefully forever without the white people looting their land). Therefore, Dr. Lao planned to use REN YI MEN to go back to the past of our world and change the history so that the final war would not occur in the future. American scientists and mathematicians agreed and cooperated with this project. In particular, Dr. Conrad Zelazny contributed greatly.

After a dizzyingly complicated calculation and failure after failure, we were finally able to realize time travel.

We first traveled to the past and met with prominent sociologists of the time. We asked him to publish a book about future events that will happen in the future. It was meant to sound a warning to mankind, but no one took it seriously. It may not be unreasonable. There were many things that seemed so untrue, such as the election of the host of a TV reality show (akin to Radio variety shows, which broadcasts not only audio but also video at the same time) as the President of the United States.

To alter history would have required a much larger measure.

It was Dr. Zelazny who suggested that the Pacific Ocean between the United States and China should disappear. He got it from Steinbeck's novel. The United States government moved west to west, reaching the West Coast. Americans (whites) lost their frontier in the Americas, and since then they have ventured into the Pacific in search of a new frontier. Philippines, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, and China. Without the Pacific, America would never have gone to war with Asia. Give Americans a new frontier instead of the Pacific.

We linked the West Coast of America in 1900 with ancient Mars. Ancient Mars was the prototype of the world of Greek mythology. An amazing and astounding frontier world full of strange creatures! Americans were so engrossed in exploring this new frontier that they forgoed their participation in World War I as a result.

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