8, Wandering Crack

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New West Airlines irregular flights from Los Angeles to Los Vicious. The eleven seats were full. Patroni's dad jokes and Patsy's laughter continued, but were drowned out by the blaring twin-engine propellers and fell short of Shockley's and Lightfoot's ears.

Shockley closed his eyes to take a nap, but Lightfoot, who was in the window seat, nudged him with his elbow. "Look at that," said Lightfoot, pointing out the window. There were cracks over a fairly large area of ​​ground (about the size of Lake Superior). A bright red liquid was gushing out from the crack. Those who didn't know anything would have thought it was lava. But it wasn't. The red liquid was actually blood. boiling blood. On the map it was marked "Typhon". Strangely, the crack didn't stay in one place and moved. It was this nasty crack that prevented the Far West Continent from being railroaded. Coincidentally, it was also in this year that the Swedish explorer Sven Hedin published a book "Deutschland und der Weltfrieden" on the Wandering Lake in Central Asia (English translation in 1940). Will the mystery of this Wandering Crack be solved someday? Or will it be left alone as the saying goes, "Wake not a sleeping lion"?

After that, the monotonous scenery continued on and on. By this time the sun had set and all that could be seen from the window was darkness. The sky was cloudy and there were no stars.

Frank 'Mad Bomber' Zuckerman was looking out the window from his seat two rows behind Shockley. Even though he was on the plane, he didn't take off his hat and put up the collar of his coat as if to hide it from prying eyes. He saw a light ahead. It was red, blue, and yellow, and the intensity of the light, flickering, and even trailing like a shooting star. Glittering display of light. The city of vice, Los Vicious, was just around the corner.

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