Entry 4 - Surprise

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Friday, October 4th

Elliot and I have been dating for around a year now. It's been perfect! We're the perfect pair. We spend nearly every day together. He's made quite the father to my farm animals! He loves taking care of them, yet another thing to admire about him. He writes me poetry, even going so far as to send it to me by mail! We're thinking about having him move into the farm with me. Taking the walk to each others houses to spend the night just wasn't cutting it. He's invited me to a surprise lunch date on the beach today! Of course I'm packing his favorite pomegranate wine.

I've never been happier.

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I make my way to the beach, anticipating what surprise Elliot could have for me. As I pass through the bush of small forest dividing the town center and the beach, I'm met with the repaired boat that had sat unused by Elliots cabin for years!

"Hey!" He says, that special gleam in his eyes. "Look... I fixed that old rowboat that's been sitting by my house. Pretty nice, huh?" He says, hands on his hips, admiring his craftsmanship.

"Wow, Elliot! It looks great!" I respond. Elliot looks me in the eyes, pink flushing over him.

"Y/n... Would you do me the honor of joining me for her first maiden voyage?"

"Of course! I'd love nothing more."

Elliot gets into the boat first and offers his hand to me so I can sit down safely. He then rows his way out into the middle of the crystal clear ocean that I adore so much. We decide it's a perfect place to rest the boat and enjoy the scenery.

"So my book's been out for a while now... It's not a best seller or anything, but it's been getting some good reviews from critics... And I really couldn't have finished it without your moral support." He says, fiddling with his fingers. He looks more nervous than he usually does on our dates.

"Actually that's not true at all. I would've finished it either way." He jokes. I teasingly splash some water onto his shirt. We share a laugh before he returns to his nervous expression.

"But I am grateful that you believed in me... in my vision. And, well... Um... Y/n? How do I say this?..."

Now I'm nervous.

"Well, we've been friends and we've liked each other for a while now... But I'm... I'm not sure if I feel that way about you anymore..."

Oh God. Is he dumping me?

"No! I'm not saying I want to cut all ties with you!" He sputters, being able to read my frightened expression. "In fact... quite the opposite..." He takes my hands.

"...Let's see, how do I put this...?" He begins.

"Jeez, Elliot, for being such an articulated individual you sure are at a loss right now!" I joke.

"Yeah... for once, I'm at a loss for words..."

Elliots moves his hand to my face, pushing my hair back. His face is filled with desire, something I've never seen from him before. A look of lust almost. He pulls me in closer to him and plants a kiss full of passion onto my lips. I'm taken aback.

"Y/n? You're trembling..." Elliot says, a look of worry and regret replacing his angelic face of desire.

"I'm sorry... I'm happy." I smile at him.

"So am I..." He pulls me into a comforting hug.

"Uh oh... the vibrations from your body has caught the attention of a crimson fish... we'd better get out of here." Elliot says, reaching for the ores. But before he rows us home, he begins to look back at the horizon.

"Look at the valley from here... it finally looks like 'Home'... What a day." He lets out in a releasing sigh.

"Home..." I repeat, interlocking my fingers with Elliots. He gazes at me, with that beautiful gleam.

He smiles.

- The Writer and the Farmer - Elliot x Reader - Stardew Valley -Where stories live. Discover now