Elliot's Success

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I had received a letter in my mailbox about a novel reading at the library. It was from Elliot! He had finally finished his novel and was going to do a live reading! I was ecstatic for him. He had worked so hard for this moment. I would be there without a doubt to support him.

I arrived at 1:00pm sharp, eagerly waiting for everyone to arrive, Elliot included. When everyone came and was settled, Elliot approached me.

"Y/n, you made it!" He said happily, embracing me into a hug.

"Of course I made it! How could I not come and congratulate my best friend on finishing his novel that he worked so hard to complete?"

"I feel so relieved to be done with my book... it's like an elephant's been lifted off my shoulders" He sighs a breath of relief. He begins to nervously look at around at everyone whose come to congratulate him on his completed novel. A panicked expression unfurls on his face.

"Well, I'd better get started with the reading... Wish me luck!" He says, nervously making his way to the front of the library. I watch him with eager.

"Good afternoon, everyone. Ever since I was a young boy, I've dreamt of becoming a writer. When the time came for me to leave home and start my own life, I moved here. I was drawn to the peaceful beauty of the valley, and hoped that days of quiet reflection in this idyllic atmosphere would fan the literary flames."

I notice Sebastian roll his eyes from Elliots expansive vocabulary. I smile to myself and focus my attention back on Elliot.

"After countless hours of scribbling at my writing desk, I present to you my first book: Camellia Station. It's a romance novel about a train stewardess who falls in love with a traveling architect... Chapter One. 'Your ticket, sir?' Ticket collector Gozman extended a gloved hand towards the young commuter. 'Ah, yes. I have it right here,' he replied, reaching into his coat pocket. Mortified, he discovered that the ticket was missing."

His book goes on and on for what feels like hours for most, seeing everyone's exhausted demeanors. But for me, I couldn't get enough. So many experiences in the book were ones that Elliot and I had shared. Even when his characters Horatio and Clara met, it was similar to how Elliot and I met. I couldn't stop listening.

"...'Clara, there's something I must tell you,' he blurted as she turned to leave. Clara turned, slowly, and saw the look of desperation in Horatio's eye. At that moment Gozman burst into the compartment, red-faced... Well, that concludes my reading. I'll be selling signed copies of the book by the front desk. Thanks for listening!"

The crowd disperses and it remains Elliot and I.

"Well, how was it?" He asks me.

"Elliot... it was beautiful." I beam at him.

"Thank you." He returns the excited beam. "You know, I got the idea for making a romance novel from you. Do you remember?" He says, holding my hands as he always did when he shared something important.

"That's why I've dedicated this book to you..." He shyly says, pink flushing his face the same way it did when he was drunk.

I pull him into an embrace.

"Elliot, thank you. I'm honored."

"I'm honored to have met such a wonderful woman who inspires me and urges me to be a better man. You're outstanding, Y/n." I see Elliot pull something out of his vest.

It was a bouquet from Pierre's! My eyes flutter in disbelief. They begin to fill with tears. Every doubt I've ever had about Elliot and Leah fled my mind in this moment. Every insecurity I had faded. Elliot wants to date me!

"Elliot, I'm honored! Yes, I accept!" I practically tumble into him trying to give him a hug, he stumbles back, put catches himself, laughing and pulling me in for a sweet, tight, hug.

- The Writer and the Farmer - Elliot x Reader - Stardew Valley -Where stories live. Discover now