Ch-21 'From last year'

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After that incident at school Taehyung started having nightmares about that incident or similar to that, he may have recovered from that incident and maybe those nightmares too would've stopped but that text developed a fear inside Taehyung's heart he couldn't recover from that incident and the nightmares also didn't stop,

Though in starting he used to have nightmares daily and he would woke up screaming at nights crying alone in the dark room but soon there quantity lessened and then he would only get nightmares if he have watched a movie, read book or something with same or similar incidents but still whenever he gets that nightmare he still wakes up screaming,

He thinks that ???1 will come back and Taehyung won't even be able to stop him,

This's what happens whenever he's in trouble even if he can even if he is capable or atleast if can try to fight but no he doesn't try cause he knows that if he try to fight back he doesn't have his family to support him which everyone needs,

Whenever he used to get bullied in school he didn't used to try to stop them cause he knew if it gets worst and if they have to went to office his bullies will turn the cards towards him as this's what bullies do with everyone and his father wouldn't even believe him and in the end he'll be the only one to suffer so he always used to try to avoid coming in front of them and so get in less trouble and less beating,

And now when he thinks about ???1 he thinks that if he ever came face to face with him ever again Taehyung won't be able to stop him even if try to, cause when he have the chance to fight back like he's at a place when he can fight back he does so like ones at a park Taehyung had accidentally bumped into a boy of same age though Taehyung had apologiesed the other one still didn't listened and had started insulting and bad mouthing him Taehyung endure it like always but when he started speaking bad about Tae's mother Taehyung had beaten him and just like this whenever someone tries to touch him inappropriately as it happens with everyone at public places Taehyung tries to fight back,

But he don't know if fighting back will work with ???1.

After that Taehyung had applied for studying business in college he started wearing oversized clothes its not like he didn't liked them but he would have wore all types of clothing along with that but he didn't after the incident,

He wore oversized clothes everyone called him nerd he didn't had friends in college and people used to laugh at him he had a very few friends in school that can't be called best friends, he didn't used to be with them so much just some talking sometimes thats it nor did they used to they were just like classmates being in same class,

After school eneded he lost touch with them like it mostly happens with everyone and here when they weren't even Taehyung's good friends or bestfriends atleast obviously didn't contacted after that.

When it was finally last year of Taehyung's business studies Taehyung decided that he should try to come out of that incident from school years and don't stop himself from dressing the way he wants just cause of that since he can't stay like that for his whole life.

So after vacations he did what he liked wearing clothing of every type along with oversized he didn't stopped wearing them too being with the trend of fashion and all when he went to college at the very first day of last year everyone was hella shock to see the nerdy Taehyung to look so mesmerizing with so good fashion sense and his features were also very great,

From that day Taehyung became the beauty of his department and with time of whole college with the more time passed, he would always get proposals but he always rejected them politely and this time he was very careful to not incounter something similar as the past.

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