18. I'll be there

Start from the beginning

"Be where?" She asks, tilting her head.

"I dunno jus...lonely...die alone."

She still doesn't know what he meant... he was just drunk and sad.. and she thought maybe it was best to not think too much into it. "I'll be there, Dad." She promised.


She hadn't thought about that night since. (But, she hasn't let Blitzø pick her up at any other parties either.)

Blitzø has been acting really weird lately. And then this clown guy just shows up...

What's going on with him?

~~~Fizzarolli and Asmodeus~~~

Fizzarolli went back home, glad that conversation was behind him. He hates when he's wrong and unfair to people. But, he just couldn't stand to look at Blitzø's stupid face. Can anyone really blame him for that?

"Hey, Fizz. Where have you been?" Asmodeus asks. "Dinner is about ready." He says, cutting something up in the kitchen.

"I- I was...in pride..." Fizz admits, sitting down at the table.

"Pride? Why?" Asmodeus asks.

"I left to talk to Blitzo about yesterday...and our fight." Fizzarolli says.

Asmodeus raises an eyebrow. "You walked all the way to pride?" Asmodeus asks, confused. Littles aren't supposed to drive...and they can't go to the station by themselves either.

Fizzarolli looks away from him, he didn't walk...but, he doesn't really want a lecture about that right now.

Asmodeus hums suspiciously. "Okay... maybe I don't want to know." He sighs. "How did it go with Blitzø?"

Fizz shrugs. "Better than you'd think actually, he agreed to maybe having another play date sometime."

"Fizz, that's great!" Asmodeus says.

"I guess...yeah." Fizz says, rubbing his arm awkwardly. Now that he's actually done it, he's worried it'll prove to be a huge mistake.

"You guess? Fizz, what's wrong?" Asmodeus asks, pulling out two plates and starting to sort food out for the two of them.

"Nothing." The imp says.

Asmodeus sighs. "Fizz...I know you better than that." He says, setting one plate in front of Fizz, and the other in front of him as he takes a seat at the table.

Fizz knows he's not going to be able to convince Asmodeus that everything was fine, so he explains: "Okay, I'm just...I'm feeling a bit uneasy now." Fizz says.

"Oh?" Asmodeus asks.

"I don't know..I'm just not sure if this was a good idea...ya know?" Fizz asks. "Blitzo is still Blitzo."

"Then, why exactly did you go talk to Blitzø?" Asmodeus asks.

"I don't know! I felt guilty! Besides, I don't want to be difficult for you anymore." Fizzarolli says. "I won't be so needy or lonely when I'm regressed if I have someone to play with... It's not fair you had to deal with that this whole time."

"Fizzarolli, look at me." Ozzie takes Fizz's hand and leads him close to him, picking him up and setting him on his lap, arms wrapped around him. "You are never difficult. You are my precious, beautiful fallen angel; I only worry that I am not enough for you when you're in headspace, sometimes you're so lonely you cry. I only thought having a little friend would benefit you and make you happier." Asmodeus explains.

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