Feeling more like herself at the comfort her cousin offered, Camilla leaned over to speak so only her two friends could hear. "He better get on with it, I heard Lord Stokesworth's daughter is quite taken with a stable boy."

"I heard that Lady Elinor is hiding a swollen belly beneath her dress." Alicent shared, causing her two companions to gasp.

The three young ladies turned their attention back to the tourney just in time to see Lord Baratheon get knocked off his horse.

The drums started beating again as more contestants rode out on horses. The Master of Revels, a short and stout man wearing a feathered hat,  walked out onto the pitch. "Prince Daemon of House Targaryen," The bearded man in a feathered hat called out. "Prince of the City, will now choose his first opponent!"

Daemon rode onto the field on his black horse, dressed in his black armor that resembled dragon scales. Camilla couldn't help but admire how powerful he looked as he directed his horse to trot in front of the other contestants. Her thighs clenched as memories of last night filled her mind and a soreness radiated between her legs.

"Of course," Camilla heard her mother's nasally voice whine at the Prince's choice, reminding Camilla she was surrounded by people.. 

"Prince Daemon Targaryen chooses Ser Clifford Tully of Riverrun." The Master of Revels announced.

Camilla watched with bated breath as the contestants rode to opposite sides of the field. The drums started beating again, this time they were so loud Camilla could feel every beat of the drum in her chest. Or was that her heart, threatening to beat out of her chest? Rhaenyra, feeling her cousin's distress, squeezed the hand she still held.

As the drums reached their crescendo the contestants took off.

Steel met wood with a crash, as Clifford was knocked off his horse. The crowd cheered at their Prince's win, and Camilla  stood up and cheered with them much to her House's annoyance.

As Daemon rode up to the Royal box, Camilla and Rhaenyra got up to greet him, with Alicent closely following. The Ward made sure to grab her favor, a wreath made of white lilies and lavender branches, the same shades as her and the Prince's shared hair and eyes.

"Nicely done, Uncle."

"Thank you Princess," Daemon spoke before turning his attention to Camilla. "Now I'm fairly certain I can win these games, Lady Camilla. Having your favor would all but assure it."

Camilla beamed as she lifted the wreath of lilies and lavender. Prince Daemon raised the tip of his lance up to Camilla, smirking as he pointed it at her. Camilla's eyes remained locked on Daemon's as the wreath slid down the lance, falling to the base.

"Good luck, my Prince." Camilla smiled. "Though I doubt you will need it."

The tourney became even more brutal after  Prince Daemon's match. The other Lords and Knights wishing to win for their house no matter the cost, cheating in an effort to get ahead in the game. When one such Knight knocked his opponent to the ground using a dirty trick, the Lord pulled the man from his horse. Blow after blow, an axe landed in the knight's head. Another knight rushed onto the field and tackled the Lord to the ground. Picking up an abandoned shield, the knight bashed the Lord's head in.

With two contestants dead, Servants and Squires quickly rushed to pull the dead bodies away so the next match could begin. Though more bloodshed followed when three other contestants lost their lives.

"Ser Criston Cole will now tilt against Prince Daemon Targaryen, Prince of the City!" The Master of Revels announced the final match of the day. Both contestants stood on either side of the field, waiting for the signal to begin.

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