Chapter Seven: Poke the Bear

Start from the beginning

Thomas chuckled and instantly said, "Don't we know it."

I cleared my throat and took a sip of my water.

"I'm gonna go use the restroom before we leave," Thomas said pushing his chair back.

"Good thinking, me too," Holden said also standing up.

He looked down at me like he was waiting for me to come.

"I'm all set," I said shaking my head.

They left Aero and I at the table together.

"So you two seem to be going pretty steadily..." Aero commented.

"Mhm," I nodded.

She tucked a piece of loose hair behind her ear and suggested, "Maybe you should  think about opening up to him, so you have someone to talk to? He looks like a good guy and seems to care about you."

"No offense Aero but I don't need any relationship advice from you," I snapped at her sounding a little too mean.

She widened her eyes and scoffed.

"Sorry to poke the bear," she began sassily. "I'd just hate to see you fuck up another good relationship."

Touche Aero, Touche.

"Speaking of," she began again but in a calmer tone. "Cole is going to come up and visit week..."

I wasn't expecting her to bring him up so suddenly. I obviously couldn't control my facial expression.

"Oh," I sighed not knowing how to respond that.

"I just wanted to let you you weren't surprised,'' she explained. "But I can give you ahead up of where to avoid if you don't want–"

"No no, don't be ridiculous," I responded ever so fake-toned. "That's-thats great. Thats exciting. I'm happy for you. Really happy."

"Parker–don't freak out over this."

"I'm not freaking out!'' I laughed. "Seriously. Exciting stuff."

"Boo!" Holden yelled placing his hands on my shoulder.

I looked up at him and then pulled him in for a passionate kiss.

He pulled away blushing after a few seconds.

"Damn...maybe I should leave and come back more often," he joked all happy.

"Ready to go?" I asked abruptly standing up and grabbing my jacket.

Aero stood up  next to Thomas.

I grabbed Holdens hand and boldly said, "Thanks for dinner sis, now Holden and I are going to go have totally awesome sex and prove our relationship."

Thomas' cheeks immediately turned red as he was caught off guard by my statement.

"Parker–" Aero began but I had already started leading Holden away.

"Are we actually going to go have 'totally awesome sex'?" Holden asked excitedly.

"Might as well," I shrugged making him smile even more.


"I still look like an idiot!" I complained while holding Logans hand mirror up in front of my face. It had been a week and a half since Louis had decked me in the face.

My reflection showed the dark bruising underneath my eyes, similar to how it had looked for the past few days the only difference being that my nose wasn't swollen anymore. It still hurt like a son of a bitch though.

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