14 ~ Little Dreemurrs

Start from the beginning

Kris made a face but still wrapped his legs around my waist as I started toward the kitchen entrance. Dad gave us a tiny wave as we passed, the awkwardness clear as crystal in his expression. The chair he was sitting on was almost too small for him, but he'd somehow positioned himself where most of his weight was rested on his legs. It looked uncomfortable. I waved back. He grinned, nervously scratching his chin under his beard.

Rounding the corner, we came upon Frisk standing directly in front of a sheepish Chara's face. She did not look amused. "When's the last time you drank water?"

"...This morning?" Chara smiled nervously, twisting around the hem of his shirt.

"No, you didn't. I was there. You need to drink something," she ordered, narrowing her eyes at him.

Chara glanced at us out of the corner of his eyes, letting out a strained chuckle. "I-I was planning on it, Frisk-"

"Sure, you were." She sighed, straightening up again with her hands coming to rest on her hips. "You totally didn't just come in here to steal the one thing you haven't shut up about for as long as I've known you."

His smile widened slightly, almost mischievously. "And what, pray tell, is that?"

She narrowed her eyes. "Chocolate."

"Chocolate?!" Kris perked up, peering around the room hopefully. Chara seemed to perk up as well at our brother's enthusiasm. Kris just stuck his tongue out at him.

I chuckled. "No chocolate, Kris."

Mom turned from the stove and smiled warmly at the latter. "We'll see, my child."

Kris grinned widely and pumped his fists in the air, kicking out his legs for extra measure. "Yeeeeeesssss!!!"

Chara's expression immediately turned sour, and he narrowed his eyes at mom. "She didn't say it was for certain, Kris."

Mom only giggled and smiled at him cheekily. Meanwhile, a smile had fought its way onto Frisk's face as she turned to the fridge and pulled it open. After grabbing an object from inside, she shut the door and turned back to Chara, holding out whatever it was to him.

He rolled his eyes. "Thanks for the water, Frisk."

She smiled, satisfied that he'd taken the bottle from her. "Thank you for drinking it."

"Yeah, yeah."

"So, I take it you have to drink a lot of water, Chara?" Dad spoke up conversationally from the dining room.

I nodded, setting down Kris so I could lean against the doorframe between the two rooms. "Yeah, Dr. Gaster was very strict about what he can and can't eat for two weeks. That's why he's a little butthurt about chocolate right now."

Chara took a sip of his water, leaning against the doorframe across from me. "I'm not 'butthurt', just a little disappointed. I'll survive."

"Oh, please," Frisk scoffed. "The way you made it sound before, I'd think you would die without it. He even made me eat spicy chocolate a few times! Who the heck eats spicy chocolate?!"

I blinked at her. "...I thought you did? That's, uh, why I got you some earlier..."

Frisk smiled, apologetically. "Sorry, Azzy. That was Chara's influence. But you can save it for when he gets better! He'll really deserve it," she glanced at him, slyly.

Chara paled, but kept a smile on his face. "I rather think Kris would enjoy it more. Don't you think?" He stared at me warningly.

"Uh..." I turned to Kris. He shook his head vigorously. "...It, er, looks like he doesn't want it."

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