16. Debate For Love

Start from the beginning

"Y/n?" He looked at you noticing that you were about to start crying. You just pushed your hair back with both hands as you rubbed your eyes to not cry. "I'm not saying that I don't believe you or anything, but are you sure you didn't just hear the wrong voice? It could've been Stu" you said. He shook his head, "Stu wasn't talking, Randy was" he said. You slammed your head back against the couch. Don't cry, you can't cry over a stupid boy, you had to have known that this was gonna happen. Billy also layed his head against the couch as he looked at you feeling proud of himself for being a good liar, even though the whole Randy wanting to go out with Sidney thing was true.

"Thanks for the heads up so I don't catch them one day" you told him with tears in your eyes even though you told yourself not to cry. Make a move. He placed his hand on your leg making you look at him. "You don't deserve someone like him. I mean, yeah, he might've been a nice guy at first but you never know what they're actually like when they're not around you" he said. You nodded, "you're right. I guess I'll have to let him be for those days..but what about you?" He looked at you, "what?" "What about the fact that he said he wanted your girlfriend?" He shrugged and he looked unbothered, "I don't give a shit. Just don't fuck her in front of me" he said.

Your eyes widened. What?! He didn't care?! "You're bold" you said making him chuckle. "Nah, I just don't pay too much attention to some people" you nodded understandably. "Maybe you, I do" you looked eachother. Make a move, Randy and Sidney won't find out. Besides, Randy wouldn't be able to do anything about it after what he said today. His eyes flickered to your lips and he started to slowly lean in. You just sat there as he leaned in, unsure of what to do. You then felt his lips on yours. It was a soft kiss.

Your eyes just shifted around while his were closed and he placed his hand on your cheek to deepen it. WAIT, Y/N, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! YOU BOTH ARE TAKEN! ESPECIALLY YOU, Y/N! You quickly pulled away and he looked concerned. "What? Did I do something wrong?" You shook your head, "no, it's just..I don't know if I should do this behind Randy's back" he furrowed his eyebrows. "Even after what he said?" "It doesn't matter, Billy. He didn't have sex with her or anything.." "but we have no idea. What if they're doing it right now?" "Sidney wouldn't do that to you" "Randy would" he said back.

"Maybe he was..just joking around though" you said. He groaned in annoyance, "Y/n, we both have no idea what he could be doing right now. Please, Y/n.." you looked at him again and he leaned in and kissed you again. You just sat there with your eyes wide a little. Why weren't you doing anything about it? "You deserve so much better" he said as he pulled away. Right now, Billy kissing you was him trying to convince you to be his. "Just one chance.." he said as he tried to kiss you again but you turned your head. "I can't...I'm sorry" you said. He looked at you with upset eyes. "I'll see you later.." you got up but he grabbed your hand and stood with you.

"Y/n...-" "I really can't. Listen..as much as I want to, I can't. I just can't do that to Randy" you said with tears in your eyes. He tilted his head a little as he felt a tight feeling in his throat. "Can you atleast think about it..?" He asked. How bold of him to ask that. You slowly shook your head, "I'm really sorry. I just can't...I really want you too, but I can't.." you said. "See? We both want eachother,
Y/n.." you both looked at eachother for a few seconds before you slowly slid your hand out of his grip and walked towards the front door. He followed behind you as you were about to open the door and he turned you around making your back stand against the door.

"One chance..please" he pleaded. "I really can't..-" he then smashed his lips onto yours and pushed his body against yours and his bulge rubbed against you making you let a small moan, but you turned your head away. "That's enough...please, Billy.." you said with tears coming down your cheeks. Why did love feel so complicated? You're not suppose to love him, you're suppose to be his friend. He just looked into your eyes while his were pleading. You then heard a car honk which sounded like Dewey's police car. "I'll see you tonight.." you said as you gently pushed him away from you and you went out the door.

Billy felt rage coming up and that's when he kicked over the lamp making the plug go flying out of the outlet and break, he picked up the vase off the coffee table and threw it across the living room, he kicked over the television breaking it, he yelled in anger and grabbed a knife from the kitchen drawer and carved your initials on his arm for the 60th time. He then started stabbing the shit out of the couch as he imagined it was Randy. He licked the blood that was dripping from carving your initials and he went into the kitchen and kicked the fridge over making it fall on the stove and microwave and they shattered into pieces.

He then kicked the backdoor down breaking the lock and everything. He stood there as blood dripped down his arm and he licked the knife as he chuckled evily. "She's mine, Meeks" he walked around his now damaged house as he repeated your name and kept laughing like the psycho he was. "Oh, Y/n" he laughed. "Y/n~" he kept saying.

Billy Loomis x Reader |3rd Version| |1996|Where stories live. Discover now