Chapter One

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"How much longer do you think Rhaenyra will be?" Camilla whined from her position sprawled out across one of the benches in the wheelhouse, her book lay abandoned on her chest

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"How much longer do you think Rhaenyra will be?" Camilla whined from her position sprawled out across one of the benches in the wheelhouse, her book lay abandoned on her chest.

"Who knows," Alicent turned to the Queen's ward with a mischievous smile. "Why do you have plans? Perhaps you mean to seek a particular someone out who has just returned?"

"Oh hush, Alicent," Camilla rolled her eyes. "I just enjoy his company."

Camilla couldn't help but smile upon thinking of her male friend. Growing up she had followed him around like a lost puppy begging for scraps. Alicent and Rhaenyra had teased her, but Camilla couldn't help it. There was just something about him, in his presence she felt seen, like she was someone's first choice. Camilla had never felt that. Her mother had hated her since her birth, shipping her off to King's Landing and forgetting about her. Even with her two closest friends, she knew they would choose each other over her.

"You are so taken with him!" Alicent laughed, ripping Camilla from her thoughts. The Hightower girl opened her mouth to continue teasing the younger girl when the heavy sound of wings filled the air.

"Looks like the Princess has returned ." Camilla stood up, happy to avoid another round of teasing, and exited the carriage just as the Princess's dragon, Syrax, landed.

"Cousin! You came back!" Camilla ran to her cousin, throwing her arms around Rhaenyra. "Thank the gods, if I had to spend another moment with Alicent alone I fear I may have wandered into the dragon pit and rang the dinner bell on myself."

Rhaenyra laughed at her dear cousin's dramatics, patting the older girl's back with one hand as she maneuvered herself to the carriage with her cousin still hanging off of her.

"It's alright I know you don't mean that," Alicent called from her position on the steps of the wheelhouse. Turning her attention to the Princess, the auburn haired girl spoke. "Syrax is growing quickly. She'll soon be as large as Caraxes."

Camilla stepped back watching as her two friends interacted. Having spent so much time with the two, Camilla considered herself an expert at reading between the lines and dissecting secret meanings from what wasn't said.

"That is almost large enough to saddle two." Rhaenyra smiled up at Alicent, her lilac eyes soft and warm as she looked upon her friend.

"I believe I'm quite content as a spectator, thank you." Alicent returned Rhaenyra's smile with a grin of her own, stepping  back into the carriage as thePrincess watched, her mouth slightly open.

"Come on cousin, didn't your mother ever teach you to keep your mouth closed." Camilla spoke, patting Rhaenyra's cheek. As she passed her cousin, the white haired girl whispered. "I swear you two are the most obvious people I know, it's a miracle no one has caught on."

Almost Lover {Complete}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora