It's dark now. I like night at Winter. It's almost enchanting, seeing the soft snow fall around me, feeling it. It brings peace to my never-ending train of thought. Sets my mind to ease once and a while. My siblings don't have the same feelings, except Aria, that is. She's the most like me out them all, except maybe Smoke. Smoke thinks the same as me a lot. We like to think of each other as twins. Regardless, I love Winter. It's my favorite season.


Ten minutes left. I'm honestly kind of sad. I don't want this to end, really. I like feeling the vibration of the vehicle and road and I love feeling the wind against me. It makes me feel free. But, despite that, I'm also excited. Excited to see the new house and such. Of course, on top of that, also sad. Sad with leaving the place and friends I've known since birth. I push all of those feelings away and continue, eventually coming across something I would've never expected.

"HOLY SHIT!" I exclaim to myself in disbelief.

I park my bike in the giant driveway and look at the house before me. It's giant! Two stories, at least, with windows all around! A modern mansion majesty! I look around at everyone else and they have the same reaction I do: pure disbelief.

 It's giant! Two stories, at least, with windows all around! A modern mansion majesty! I look around at everyone else and they have the same reaction I do: pure disbelief

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"This is ours?!?" Fang excitedly asks.

"As ours as ever!" Willow carefully responds.

"How in the world did you afford this?" Smoke inquires in disbelief. "Also, I don't think what you just said made sense."

"Well, I started saving up right I got my first penny. Didn't have any reason at the time, but I got one as soon as I saw this listing. Also, what I said made all of the sense."

We all rushed in to pick rooms and such. I picked a big corner room on the second floor. I plopped my suitcases on the already-made bed and sighed, happy. This is going to be nice.

Time Skip

I'm scared. Very scared. Summer Break is almost over. We've been living in this house for a bit. We all decided to do school online the rest of this year. Willow finished her fifth year of college, Smoke finished his third year, I finished Eleventh Grade, Ash finished Tenth Grade, Fang finished Sixth Grade, and Aria finished First Grade. I had my birthday on November 27th. I'm seventeen now. I still miss everyone I used to know. That's basically what's happened up until now. Now, the first day of non-online school is approaching in ten days. I'm not ready. I can't be ready. I can't prepare for what's coming.

Oh, how Foxy was right about that! It's me, your beautiful author, Potato! I have an idea. I'm going to do trivia on each chapter right down here!

1. Which of Foxy's hands were metal/prosthetic?

2. Does the story take place in the future or present?

3. When does the first day of non-online school start (in x amount of days)?

Along with this trivia, I have another thing to ask you. Do you have an OC? If so, good! I need OCs for the upcoming school year! Just so you know, all of the animatronics are human, and the animals they're based on are simply reduced to their favorite animal. Please leave your OCs in the comments below!

What's their name and gender?

What's their favorite animal (animal they're based on)?

What do they look like (as a human)?

And finally, what's their personality like?

Thank you, and see you again soon, friends!

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