Fatal Containment - Chapter 17

Start from the beginning

As part of the torpedo damage simulation he and the engineering team had devised, half of the damage control teams were tasked with setting up smoke generators and "debris" to give the repair and search teams a more realistic "damage" environment. Lights were turned off in various compartments that were supposed to be vented into space, and crates and certain other debris were "stacked" obtrusively in the hallways and near hatches. But Connor knew that these efforts would also slow the teams looking for actual missing personnel.

"Sir, I understand that, but I feel that the simulated environments will slow the crews--"

"That's no excuse, Commander. The crews need to learn to find personnel under a variety of conditions. Continue the drill."

* * *

Cheryl woke to a very uncomfortable feeling, her arms pulled tightly behind her back, and she couldn't feel her hands. She squirmed, trying to move to get a better position to free herself, but found that she was cramped into a fetal position in a small, dark space. The air was stale and smelled of machine oil. She grunted with the effort to free her hands but realized she didn't know if she was upside down or right side up. Zero-gravity disorientation added to her anxiety, especially in such a confined space. She called out for Tracy, but received no answer.

Immediately, Cheryl's anxiety began to escalate. Despite her physical fitness and combat training, she struggled with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), which often manifested in a need for strict order and routine. While her military lifestyle provided some structure, it also created challenges and distance in her personal relationships. The murder aboard the starship and her inability to investigate it intensified her OCD symptoms, making it difficult for her to stay focused in chaotic and unpredictable situations. She had to regain control of her thoughts.

Taking deep breaths, Cheryl tried to recall her recent whereabouts. She had been in the brig, then fusion bay one with Trevor working on the plasma jacket. But Trevor never showed up, and now she was trapped in this crate. She tapped the corners of the crate with her foot, confirming her surroundings. Her hands were tightly bound, indicating her captor knew she would struggle to escape. Remaining calm was crucial to conserve her oxygen supply, but her mind fought against her.

After counting and focusing on her breathing, Cheryl managed to regain clarity. The disorientation persisted, leaving her uncertain about her orientation. It could mean the ship's gravity field had failed or that she was outside the ship. The latter thought threatened to push her into panic. Being confined in a crate was one thing, but being adrift in space with her hands bound was an entirely different nightmare.

Her heart raced as she fought down her fear. She found solace in the fact that she could still breathe, indicating the crate had a good seal even after being opened. However, she couldn't see any light leaking in through gaps in the crate, suggesting she was using up her available oxygen.

Suddenly, the crate accelerated and collided with a hard surface, possibly a wall. The impact was so jarring that Cheryl nearly blacked out. For a brief moment, she thought she heard the ship's battle-stations klaxons sounding, adding another layer of urgency to her predicament.

* * *

The drill continued for another half hour, but Captain Cantrell decided it was marginally successful and ordered its termination. Connor made sure the damage control team prioritized the search for Cheryl and even initiated an extra-vehicular sweep in case she had ended up outside the ship. However, the level one search yielded no results, intensifying Connor's frustration. He wanted Cantrell to invest more effort into the search, but he knew the captain would wait for him to exhaust all options before taking control. Time was running out, and Connor could feel the pressure mounting.

While heading to the brig to investigate Tyrell's involvement, Connor crossed paths with damage control team six, led by Lieutenant Hanson. Trevor updated him on their progress, mentioning a possible seal issue in cargo bay one, which housed the Byrozium. Worried about losing the valuable cargo, Connor urged Trevor to be vigilant and informed him about Alpha platoon's presence in the bay. Despite the minor setback, Trevor assured him that the situation would be resolved within a few hours, as nothing in the bay required an air supply. Connor refocused his attention on finding Cheryl.

Curiosity consumed him as he wondered why Cheryl had disappeared. The brig duty officer mentioned she was last seen talking to Tyrell, so Connor decided to pay him a visit. As he entered the elevator, ready to descend to deck seven, the wall comm. unit chimed. Corporal Matthews informed him of Dr. Picoult's extreme agitation and her urgent request to speak with him. Sensing the urgency, Connor told Matthews to put her on the line.

Dr. Picoult was clearly distressed, claiming another murder was happening. Her fragmented description and panicked state raised concerns for Cheryl's safety. Without waiting for the elevator doors to open, Connor rushed to the nearest service ladder, descending rapidly to the next deck. He then hurried to deck five, where Dr. Picoult's stateroom was located.

Upon rounding the corner, Connor noticed the marine sergeant's discomfort from the conversation he had witnessed. He gestured for the sergeant to open the stateroom door. As the door swung open, Candice stood before him with a wild, frantic look in her eyes. She seemed to be in a state of shock, her appearance disheveled from crying.

Instructing the corporal to call for a medic, Connor guided Candice to the couch, attempting to soothe her. Tears stained her cheeks, and her hair and makeup were in disarray. He held her gently, trying to provide comfort in this distressing moment. Despite his typically less sensitive demeanor, he drew from Trevor's example in dealing with upset girlfriends. He wished Trevor were there with him.

Encouraging Candice to share what had happened, Connor listened attentively. She described witnessing a woman being hurt with a sharp object in a surreal scene, with floating bodies and blood. The mention of space-like floating and searchlights intrigued him, but it didn't narrow down the identity of the woman.

The marine returned with two doctors, taking over Candice's care and administering a sedative to calm her. As they tended to her, Corporal Matthews approached Connor, accompanied by Corporal Tagg. They informed him that Dr. Doval was missing from her stateroom. The cabin had been locked, but somehow, she had escaped without closing the door.

Now faced with two missing women, Connor feltthe pressure intensify. He instructed Matthews to alert the search and rescueteams to be on the lookout for Dr. Doval, who would stand out due to hercivilian attire. He also ordered an intruder alert and ensured Tyrell Sandersremained confined. Connor emphasized the importance of finding Dr. Doval and ensuringshe remained in her cabin this time, standing close to Corporal Tagg as hedelivered his directive.

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