~Chapter 2~

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He stopped smirking for a second and looked into my eyes deeply, what the fuck?
I then realized his arm slowly dropped from the door and touched my waist, it sent chills down my spine from his cold hands and the sudden contact. His hand slowly traveled down to my hips, what in the fuck was he doing?
Now this situation is even weirder. This man broke into my house and is now doing this, what the fuck? Why was he touching my hips, and my chin-
Why the hell has he just been holding my chin this entire time? That's really fucking weird. I felt my face start to heat up a bit, letting sweat to drip down my face once more. Why do I feel hot? This room was cold as hell a few seconds ago and now I'm all warm, wait-
I couldn't like him touching my hips-
I can't. What if he does something worse than this? What if he takes off his coat and starts to make out with me?? Fuck no, I wouldn't be able to do that- no fucking way-
I just met this dude and I still don't know why he's here or why I'm 'sPecIaL tO hIm' like man what the hell.
"What- What are you doing..?" I said sounding a bit scared, to which he quickly replied.
"Oh- uh- sorry. I didn't realize what I was doing, I can stop if you feel uncomfortable-"
I then came up with an idea, not the best one but it was a way to get some more information.
"Listen, I'll let you stay holding me like this on one condition. You need to tell me the truthful answer to every question I ask." I said sternly.
He looked a bit shocked then went back to smirking. "I'd love to answer your questions darling~" The way he said that made me feel, weird. "Why do you know where my house is?" I asked almost immediately. He looked a tiny bit scared and broke his eye contact with me. He then looked back into my eyes, seeming a bit nervous. "Well uh- Just promise you won't be mad when I tell you.?" He said awkwardly.
"Fine." I said unfazed, rolling my eyes.
"Well- it may be possible that I've been stalking you for 3 years and have found out every detail about you and your life out that I could-" he said doing an awkward smile.
So this man came into my house, MY HOUSE, pinned me to a door and played a weird little puzzle with me for answers to this weird fucking situation to only end up telling me that he, a psychopathic bipolar MURDERER. STALKED ME? WHY WOULD HE STALK ME?
Why is it always me that has to get caught up in these weird situations which I don't know how to handle. "Why would you stalk me of all people..?" I asked sounding a bit scared. He then smirked and lightly chuckled when I asked him that. "Well darling, why wouldn't I? You're so beautiful to watch from a far and even more gorgeous to watch up close, but it's not only your looks that are immaculate it's your personality and your wit. You're stubborn and you're funny and just overall amazing. You can light up a room with your smile when you're genuinely excited about something, you can win any casino game without cheating, you don't need an assistant to help you sort through your important paperwork, you act tough when actually have a fragile heart, you're very smart and knowledgeable, you help others when they genuinely need it, you built you're very own country with your own two hands,
and If that doesn't say strong then I don't know what the hell does. You're just absolutely perfect darling, I just couldn't help but get involved watching you and I am truly sorry if this makes you uncomfortable darling but I just couldn't stop myself. And now I couldn't wait another second to talk with you, wether it was about how I was a psycho or that you thought I was weird, I just wanted, no. I needed to talk to you and maybe even touch you slightly, it would just fulfill all of my dreams. I deeply care about you Quackity, and nothing will change that darling." He looked stressed half the way down telling me, in the beginning he seemed thrilled to tell me and he just became more and more stressed. Am I feeling bad for my stalker? He is kinda hot-
Sure, he could be hot but he's still my stalker, but at the same time he actually seems to care and people haven't cared about me for a while, I'm really confused right now.
My face is all hot, I'm blushing a little bit, my head is a mess and I think I might make a dumb decision-
I haven't been looking up at him I've been looking down, he then moved his thumb onto my bottom lip before using his hand on my chin to pull me forward then back to look him in the eyes. He looked really hot and my head was just a mess that I could barely think straight, so I just decided to act on impulse.
He immediately kissed back and just shoved his tongue in my mouth, exploring every inch of it. What the fuck?- He just shoved his tongue in he didn't even wait for me to allow him to-
The kiss quickly turned heated, my breathing has started to become uneven. Was I, enjoying this? No, no no no no no no, NO. I could not be enjoying kissing my stalker,'I tried to pull away but he pulled me right back in. His grip on my hips became tighter and my hands moved to grasp his back, he then let go of my chin, moving it to my other hip groping it as hard as the other one. The kiss became harder and much more passionate as I started to loose my breath. I tried pulling away again and, both of us now pulling away as a string of saliva came attached to our tongues as we separated our lips.
I just made out with a fucking serial killer who is actually my stalker. What a great start to my night. I mean, I didn't mean to kiss him, I was just acting on impulse he was the one who kissed back sooooo-
It's more his fault than mine, right?
(1117 words)

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