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they're not necessarily sneaking around, just keeping to themselves.

caitlin finds herself enjoying every moment alone with the swiss, no matter how short or long.

they travel to newcastle together and watch the matildas beat jamaica by three goals. caitlin gets her hands on a field pass and she has to drag lia onto the field along with her despite her protests.

"i promise you it'll be okay, you don't have to leave my side." she puts her arm around lia, it's friendly enough that if any cameras are on them, no one should speculate.

the look she gives lia though, is just for her, not for any cameras.

they stay one more night at caitlin's home. it's safe to say jamie has really warmed up to lia throughout the week.

caitlin feels almost sick watching her sister and lia talk so animatedly at the dinner table. however, there's something deep inside her that claims victory; she was right about lia. jamie just needed to spend a week with her.

simone declares after dinner that it's game night because caitlin and lia wereleaving too soon. caitlin goes looking for lia, who went back to her room immediately after she finished dinner.

caitlin knocks on the guest door, "lia?"

"yeah, come in cait!" she hears through the door.

lia's packing her suitcase, unable to close it completely. caitlin chuckles as she closes the door behind her.

"this is all your fault you know," lia pulls on the zipper.

"what? how is this my fault, love?" caitlin teases.

"you've made me buy everything i see here, there are probably more new clothes than the ones i brought over here." she sighs dramatically. "can you help me close it?"

caitlin easily closes the packed suitcase. "we're having game night, the monopoly board is being set up as we speak. you have to join us."

"oh i don't know about that, i'm not supposed to play monopoly."

"why not? scared of a little competition jo?" lia smiles easily to the pet name.

"you're cute, did you know that?" lia slips her hands into caitlin's and kisses the forward.

caitlin hums appreciatively, tugging the swiss closer. "you're avoiding the question li," she mumbles against lia's lips.

"it's not that i'm afraid, i'm a little overly competitive when it comes to board games." she smirks.

"we're all competitive, don't be a loser and join us!" caitlin tugs on lia's arm, but the swiss stays firmly rooted in her spot.

"what's in it for me then?"

"if you win, which you won't, i'll give you a kiss." caitlin teases, placing her thumb on lia's lips.

caitlin soon regrets that decision. as it turns out, lia is really good.

she's really good at monopoly. she's cut throat, all while laughing and drinking with simone.

caitlin is amazed at lia's approach to monopoly; she doesn't even seem like she's playing the game.

"you should trade boardwalk to me renae, i'll pay double the original." lia raises her eyebrows, smirking easily.

"easy to say when you're bathing in riches," caitlin nods towards lia's monopoly money.

"you snooze, you lose cait." lia says warmly.

lia does end up winning and she doesn't let caitlin hear the end of it. she steals numerous kisses throughout the night; caitlin doesn't complain one bit.

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