2 - Dangerously Close

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Narae wasn't scared of him. His expression and his whole body language were of someone who had long been accustomed to fear and mistrust. He was terrified. He had committed ugly crimes, but it couldn't make her see him as something ugly. "So, you're Shim Jake." He flinched at the sound of his name, his eyes darting around.

She silently stood up, slowly walking to him. He kept avoiding her, but he was attentive. He was curious and wary of her presence, sensing her every move as she approached him. Then she sat down next to him, her back facing him. She had an electrifying device in her pocket, ready for use whenever it was needed. But she didn't even think about using it. 

"You should leave." His voice was low, so low she could only hear it because of the utter silence that filled the room. But it was enough to satisfy her because it wasn't a warning, not really. It was a plea, a desperate one.

Smiling a little, she nodded. "I should. But I don't want to." Instead of the anger and the violence he was expecting, she was calm. Her approach was different, disarming him in a way he couldn't comprehend. She didn't treat him like a monster, and that confused him. "Do you want me to leave?"

"I will kill you." His hands were pressed against his ears, not wanting to hear anything else from her. She turned around, staring at him while he tried his best not to look at her. "Leave me alone."

"You're guilty." Those words were enough to make him freeze. But then his fists tightened and his whole body trembled. "I understand." 

"Understand?" He stopped for a moment before he started laughing. And Narae just watch when suddenly he pinned her to the wall, his hand tightening around her neck. "You don't understand... what I've done. The lives I've ruined. I'm a monster. You don't understand anything! You think you can fix me? Save me? You're just like them-!"

The door swung open and the security team stormed into the room, pulling Jake away from Narae as his grip loosened around her neck. She let out a heavy breath, holding eye contact with Jake, who refused to break it. The man who was scared of looking her in the eye a few minutes ago now could only look at her. 

"You're out of your mind, really." Ethan rushed to her, sighing heavily. Jake was escorted out of the room and back to his cell while Narae fixed her clothes and rolled her eyes at Ethan. "What? He could have hurt you! Look at your neck-" 

His hand was swatted away when he tried touching her neck, and he was only met with indifference. "This is how our sessions will be from now on. I'm not afraid of him. He won't kill me." 

"How do you even know? He's a killer, Narae. Get yourself together." 

"If you keep acting this way, he'll never trust us." She said, standing up before she made her way out of the room. "I need to talk to the head of the security team. If they want me to work for them, we need to establish some ground rules. We're not going anywhere if they keep interfering with my job."

"Trust me, they won't cooperate. This isn't just some random case." He sighed, following her as she made her way to the security team's office. "You're going to make things more difficult for yourself, Narae."

She stopped, her gaze darkening as she looked around and at him. "Jake holds crucial information that could help us solve other cases and potentially save lives. We should stick by this and always remember it." Then she continued her way to the security team's office, where Agent Lee was still reviewing files and reports. 

He looked up as they entered, his expression confused and curious. "To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?" 

"Well, hello to you too, Mr. Lee." She smiled, pulling the chair across from him before sitting down. She didn't need his invitation anyways. "I'm here to talk about Shim Jake."

"Good, because I wanted to talk about this case as well. What were you thinking when-" He started, but Narae scoffed, looking into his eyes, her gaze never faltering. 

"How can you treat him like an animal?" It was cruel. No matter what he had done, he was human. He had a soul and he had a heart, perhaps buried under layers of darkness and pain, but they were still there.

Agent Lee arched an eyebrow, taken aback by Narae's question. He leaned back in his chair, folding his arms across his chest. "Narae, let's not forget who we're dealing with here. Shim Jake is a convicted killer, a dangerous man who has taken lives-"

"I understand the gravity of his crimes, Agent Lee, I'm not saying we should forget them, but that doesn't mean we should dehumanize him." She shook her head, leaning forward so she could make a point. "If we want to gain his cooperation, we need to treat him with respect and dignity. It's not about excusing his actions, but about recognizing his humanity, flawed as it may be."

"My priority is the safety of those involved in this case. It's not to understand some monster's psychology." His voice was so stern that it made Narae tighten her fists. Ethan seemed to notice it, and so he tried to stop her, but she just couldn't give up on her theory. "Now if you excuse me-"

"I don't mind putting myself in danger. You have exhausted conventional methods in trying to gain information from Shim Jake. It's time to consider alternative approaches." She didn't break eye contact, and he knew how stubborn she was. Everyone knew, and few people dared to stand in her way until she made them regret it. 

"You'll have to sign a contract if that's what you really want." He harshly put a paper on his desk, making her raise her eyebrow. "You'll have unlimited access to Shim Jake, but if you end up in danger due to your unconventional methods, the responsibility falls solely on your shoulders. No interference from the security team, no backup, and no support unless explicitly requested."

Narae stared at the contract, her expression unreadable. She managed to put on a façade that made everyone struggle on understanding her. No one could read her like an open book. She knew that if she signed the paper, she would be venturing into dangerous territory, relying solely on her instincts and the bond she hoped to establish with Shim Jake. But she also knew that this was her chance to break through the barriers and uncover the truth that had eluded them for so long.

"Wait, Narae, you don't... you don't understand." Ethan ran his fingers through his hair, sighing heavily. "This isn't what I wanted when I asked you to cooperate. You're putting your life on the line."

"If you believed in me enough to let me in this case, you'll believe that I'm not doing this out of nowhere." She met his gaze and he knew no one could ever stop her when she set her mind on something. "I've thought this through, Ethan, don't worry." 

Ethan's concern was evident as he struggled to find the right words. His shoulders slumped as he watched her sign the papers easily as if it wasn't her life on the line. "I'll come back tomorrow and I'll have a document ready for everything I want. I'm looking forward to working with you." She extended her hand for Agent Lee to shake but he just stared at it.

"Do you really expect me to shake your hand?" The tone of his voice made her smile before she stood up and leaned forward until her lips were inches apart from his ear.

"No, Agent Lee. I don't expect you to shake my hand just yet," She whispered, chuckling. "But sweating palms and increased heart rate are classic signs of anxiety. Are you afraid of what might happen if you shake my hand?"

Agent Lee's eyes widened in surprise, his composure momentarily shaken. "You're reading too much into it." 

"I'll take that as a compliment." She straightened her posture and gave him one last look before she made her way out with Ethan, their steps echoing through the silent place. "Do you think I can be easily manipulated?"

"You? Gosh, no." He shook his head in disbelief. "It makes me wonder if anyone can truly manipulate you."

"Good. Because I don't think so either." She tilted her head, peeking at him. "Manipulation is a dance. It requires two willing participants, one trying to control and the other willing to be controlled. You get what I mean."

"You're really a piece of work." He muttered and she laughed softly, a melodious sound that echoed in the corridor. 

"Oh, Ethan, you have no idea." She made her way out of the place, her fingers finding their way to her neck as she looked back at where the darkest of minds lay hidden. Her smile faded, leaving her with an empty expression as she stepped away with Ethan.

I'm coming back for you.

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