5 - A Failed System

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"You didn't kill your mother." Narae took his hand in hers, intertwining their fingers as she spoke. "No matter what anyone else says, you know it's not you, right?"

Jake gasped for air, his breaths becoming erratic as he tried to process the overwhelming truth that Narae was revealing to him. He wanted to believe her, to trust that he wasn't responsible for his mother's death, but the fabricated memories had taken a toll on his psyche. "I... I was there. I did it. I-"

"How did you kill her?"Her words made him pause, his eyes wide as he stared in shock at Narae. "Tell me what you remember about that night, Jake. Focus on every detail, no matter how small or insignificant it may seem."

He looked away, his lips parted as he recalled the memories of the nightmare that he could never wake up from. His body tensed as the fragmented images flooded his mind. "Loud noises, like screams, and... and I saw someone. A shadow... she was on the floor... I was holding something... something shiny, a knife." Then he started laughing, his face twisting in anguish. "I killed her... but that can't be right, can it? I would never... I would never hurt my mother." 

Narae's heart broke for him and she wished the people who manipulated him were there in the room so she could break their faces and make them beg for mercy. Jake may have killed those seventeen innocent souls, but he was an innocent soul as well. People see him as a murderer, but he was only a victim of a malicious scheme designed to destroy him. A cruel and heartless game. 

"I'll fight for your innocence. I promise." And she meant every single word.

"But I killed them all." He gasped, breathing heavily before he pulled his hands away. "I will kill you too. If not, they will kill us all. You don't know anything." 

"I'm sorry, Jake," That was everything he recalled before she grabbed a syringe from her pocket and injected him with a tranquilizer. "But trust me, neither of us is going to die."

The session ended and she stepped out of the room before walking to Agent Lee's office where he sat, waiting for her. "I see he hasn't killed you yet."

She smiled, pulling out the chair across from him before she took a seat. "Don't worry, we're friends now. He won't hurt me. But I can't guarantee what he would do to you if you keep putting him in a cage as if he's a wild animal. Speaking of which, I want Shim Jake to be moved to the NIS headquarters."

Agent Lee kept staring at her for a while before he broke into laughter, only making her lean back in her chair with a raised eyebrow. "You really have a way with people, Narae," He said, his laughter subsiding. "It's not every day that someone manages to befriend a mass killer like him."

"Do you find this amusing, Mr. Lee? Because I'm dead serious. I want Shim Jake to move to the NIS headquarters as soon as possible because you don't seem to understand this case quite well. And I doubt you'll be of any help. This case requires brains and you know, you lack the necessary finesse to handle someone like Shim Jake."

"Eun Narae, don't cross the line. He's not a VIP to be entertained, and this isn't some reality show where we befriend the criminal to get information. He's a dangerous killer, and we need to treat him as such," Agent Lee replied firmly, his expression serious.

"I hate having conversations with you, Mr. Lee. This is not a request, it's a demand. I will have a meeting with the head of the Special Investigations Unit next week. And Shim Jake moves to the NIS headquarters, whether you agree or not." He watched as she stood up and gave him one last glare before storming out of his office, leaving him with a somber expression on his face. 

Her phone against her ear, she waited for Ethan to pick up. "Did they set up a meeting?"

"Yes," On the other line, he sounded busy but he'd never miss any of Narae's calls. "Next Monday. And about moving him to their headquarters, they'll need to get your report first before they take a decision. It's a big step, you know."

"I do, and I'm willing to take the risks." Her heels echoed through the corridor before she stepped out of the place, the cold breeze brushing against her face. "I need you to do me another favor."

Later that day, Narae was home reading the information Ethan sent her about Shim Jake and his family. His father left them when he was young, his mother worked at a bar before her death and his sister was now a teacher at one of Seoul's universities. She sat in her dimly lit apartment, surrounded by files and photographs, trying to piece together Shim Jake's past before she made meeting Jake's sister her new mission.

The next day, Narae made her way to the university where Shim Jake's sister, Hyewon, taught. She had been cautious about her approach, aware of the fact that Shim Hyewon could simply refuse to meet with her, considering the circumstances. Nevertheless, she wanted to try for Jake. 

After a few inquiries, she finally found Hyewon's office. She knocked lightly on the door before a soft voice on the inside called out, "Come in." Stepping inside the office, the woman sitting behind the desk looked up from the papers in front of her to meet Narae's gaze, and she smiled. She had an air of elegance and a warm smile that no one would ever guess the pain she carried in her heart.

"Hello," Narae bowed politely before slowly approaching her. "I hope I'm not interrupting you."

"No, please take a seat," Hyewon said, gesturing to a chair opposite her desk. Narae took a seat, setting her bag on the floor beside her. She glanced at the ring on Hyewon's finger and at the picture placed on the corner of the desk. It was a photo of Hyewon with two young children, and their smiles filled the room with warmth. "I heard you asked to meet me."

"Yes," She smiled. "My name is Eun Narae and I'm a forensic therapist. I'm currently working on Shim Jake's case." The name made Hyewon pause for a moment, her expression becoming more guarded.

"My brother...?"

"Yes. I understand that you might not be comfortable discussing this, but I believe your perspective could be crucial in helping us understand Shim Jake better," Narae gently explained, trying to put Hyewon at ease. She nodded, taking a deep breath to compose herself. "Do you believe that your brother could murder anyone?"

Hyewon looked down at her hands and took a moment to gather her thoughts before responding. "I find it difficult to accept the idea that my brother could be capable of such violence. Murdering seventeen people is unimaginable to me. Jake was a calm person, beloved art, and was passionate about expressing beauty and joy through his paintings."

"His art?" Narae inquired, curious about this aspect of Jake's life.

"Yes, he was incredibly talented," Hyewon said, a hint of pride in her voice. "He used to paint beautiful landscapes and vibrant scenes. But after our mother was... murdered, he became distant, withdrawn. It was like a part of him had died with her. His art, which used to bring him so much joy, turned dark and tormented. It was heartbreaking to witness."

"I can only imagine how difficult that must have been for you," Narae said sympathetically. "I've been meeting Jake for the past week. He might be a murderer, but I can tell he was manipulated to do what he did."

"What do you mean?" Hyewon's eyes widened as she held her hands on her lap.

Narae hesitated for a moment, carefully choosing her words. "From our sessions, it's evident that Jake has undergone significant trauma. There are signs of deep emotional scars, and it's possible that someone took advantage of his vulnerability and manipulated him into committing those acts. I cannot disclose a lot about this, but I can tell you that your brother was not in a stable mental state when those crimes were committed."

"Is there any way I can meet him?" Her eyes were full of concern and desperation. "Please, I would do anything."

"I promise I'll find a way to let the two of you meet," Narae assured her, even if she knew very well that this meeting wasn't possible the way Hyewon hoped. But if the authorities refuse her request, she wasn't going to stand by and watch the system fail him again.

Because if anyone deserved to risk their reputation and go beyond the boundaries of the system, it was Jake.

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