Daily tasks

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"You shouldn't have left in that manner. And as for the rage, we may discuss it with Daddy. We still have a glimmer of optimism. Exactly how often do I have to tell you to think about your actions and keep your anger in check?" Rohan's voice went from calm to shouting at his younger sister, leading her to stiffen and feel terrified.

The twins have a degree of rage that is difficult to distinguish. The stage is approximately equal. It is only the sister that has more than her brother.

"Fine. But they are not attempting to comprehend the problem; if they can, there is no need to inform Daddy about it. Only if they could comprehend even a little bit." Vaishnavi sighed and hugged her twin lightly. From a distance, it appeared that the two were on each other's shoulders, supporting one other.

"I apologise for the shouting, but please be careful next time." I don't want you to get wounded as a result of your careless activity." Rohan expressed his worries regarding his sister. Even though they argue and fight, their love for one another is undeniable.

 "Yes. I'll keep that in mind." Vaishnavi released Rohan and checked her phone, which was ringing in her pocket.

She promptly picked up the phone after looking at the name that was being shown and put it on speaker so that the boy in front could hear as well.

"You guys received the email, right?" The person on the other end of the queue spoke with a knowing tone.

"Yes. You require to have informed us of the circumstances." Vaishnavi made fun of her closest buddy, calling him a "gossip boy," while he said, "You were the one who said 'not interested' earlier, I guess," in response.

They fought about the subject for some minutes before ultimately saying their goodbyes.

After a heartfelt conversation with their friend, the twins headed inside the mansion and to their chamber. Vaishnavi, who had nothing else to do, sat on her bed and worked on her laptop while Rohan first cleaned his room and then walked to the gallery to get some fresh air and talk to his cousins.


As soon as dinnertime arrived, the three siblings left whatever they were doing to make it there in time for the meal. Following proper dining etiquette, everyone ate their supper quietly. 

The quiet was deafening. The stillness, however, was short-lived as the siblings' phones erupted with unexpected alerts for their school's student club. They kept eating while turning off the notifications out of fear that they might do something unethical in front of their mother.

But they were unaware that their mother had been quietly watching them and making mental notes. The particular cause was more troubling than anybody could have imagined, but a secret is a secret. It would become apparent as the moment drew near. 

The siblings ate their dinner hurriedly so they could read the texts. only to have current everyday chores to complete. Anushka was given the assignment to wash the dishes, while Rohan was given the duty of cleaning the dining table. On the other hand, Vaishnavi observed them while seated in a chair and was charged with keeping an eye on them.

The two older Rathore siblings were gathered to complete the work without assistance from the staff since they were aware that the youngest Rathore was highly cunning to pass up the chance to get them lectured. 


"They still have the same dread. Mostly obedient, polite, and well-spoken." A woman dressed in baby pink called the person on the other end of the line. She concealed her face under a hat of the same hue as she observed the children working in front of her.

Everyone was focused on the kids, trying to aid them in every way they could. When an opportunity presented itself, she clicked her finger, and her attire instantly transformed into that of the helpers present.  She entered the mansion by displaying the identity card she had gotten via her magic on the gate.

Her eagle-like eyes were drawn to the specific person they were looking for. She had always had an edge because of her acute, long-distance, and hypnotic eyes.   

She entered the room at the end of the corridor after entering the second level, which housed mostly the rooms of the house's adolescents. Her eyes almost instantly reflected the impressiveness of the design and cleanliness of the space, but she chose to take a tour around instead of disguising her delight. 

Seeing the excellence in the decoration of the place, she was pleased to learn that the owner of the room had a good eye for such things. She mentally made a note to have something comparable to the hue combination that revealed how the individual prefers to be alone most of the time.

Because of the surroundings, she knew practically each of the characteristics of the person who lived in this place. She carefully noted the things that seemed more likely to be attended to and departed the area before anybody became suspicious of her activities.


"It's finally done!" Anushka exhaled a breath of relief as she looked at her younger sister, who was watching them with hawk's eyes. 

"All right, you can go now," Vaishnavi spoke with a sternness that had never been present before. When she heard this, her elder sister sneered and moved by her.

Vaishnavi raised her hands a bit while forming a flower-like shape with her thumb and all of her fingers, and as she looked up, she said, "The feeling of superiority." with a smile full of contentment. She went back to watching over her brother like she had been doing. She yawned, feeling nothing but tired and bored.

After a few moments, her brother decided to speak out and declared, "Work done!" 

"Good, now I can sleep." Vaishnavi yawned again and rose to depart, covering her mouth with her hand.   

"How about the night stroll, though? Are you going to join or not?" Rohan only questioned without hearing the remainder of what his sister said following the word "good."

"Are you deaf or what?  Are you also blind?" Vaishnavi inquired, her sleepy eyes fixed on him. She elected to proceed to her chamber without waiting for an answer.

"Fine! Just try not to be so angry all the time, do you understand?" Rohan yelled at the girl's evacuating figure. 

The girl just raised her palm in the air, not looking back at the boy. And kept walking towards the steps leading to her dreamland.


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