"Ma'Jake." Neytiri jumped in to stop her 'husband'. She knew from Neteyam's look that he wasn't going to do that. She felt like if she and Jake held Neteyam away from his soon-to-be mate, it would hurt their family bond. And she wasn't gonna let that happen.

"No Neytiri. This Khalo boy only gets Neteyam distracted from protecting his brother. And we both know that Lo'ak.." Little did they know that Neteyam sneaked away.


"Ao'nung." He called out as he entered the tent. He was angry. Angry and disappointed.

"What is it, Khalo?" Ao'nung asked, clueless, as he stood up. "Are you fucking kidding me?" Khalo hissed. "Bringing Lo'ak out of the reef? What is wrong with you?! You could have killed him!"

"Khalo please. We already talked about this, remember?" Ao'nung demanded, trying to calm Khalo.

Khalo scoffed.

"You didn't really think, talking about this shit one time was enough, did you? Neteyam, Kiri and Tuk almost lost their brother today, and you think talking about it one time, would be enough?" Khalo pushed Ao'nung slightly back, causing him to almost fall over.

"I'm sorry, Khalo." He said now looking ashamed to the ground. "As you should be." Khalo once again pushed him before he left the tent again.

"Khalo." Tsireya yelled as she watched Khalo leave. She sighed.

"Ao'nung." She said with a sharp voice, turning to her older brother, who was still standing in the middle of the room.

He flinched. Not expecting that his sister would also be so disappointed. He knew she was. But hearing her voice sound so different was not what he expected.

"Khalo's right. You should be ashamed." After that, she also left.


Neteyam walked on the beach as he heard footsteps approach him.

"Neteyam." A known voice called, which made him turn around.

"Tsireya," he said, as soon as he recognized the girl. "What are you doing here?" He said as she stopped right in front of him.

"I just wanted to get away from Ao'nung. He's really acting like an asshole these days. After he made Khalo leave, I didn't want to stay with him. Also, it felt like it was the right moment to tell him what I thought." She explained as she started to walk along the beach. Neteyam followed her, so they could walk next to each other. "And you?"

Neteyam sighed. Ignoring the 'Khalo leave' on purpose.

"My parents are mad at me because I didn't watch Lo'ak."

Tsireya mouthed an "O." As they stood in a short silence.

"So they're accusing you of Lo'ak getting lost?" She was curious.

"Kinda." He sighted again. "And I mean, they're kind of right. After Lo'ak went out of our tent to talk to Ao'nung, I went to follow him."

"But you were distracted."

"I got distracted.", Neteyam nodded.

"By my other brother." Tsireya guessed.

"By your other brother." Neteyam agreed. "Khalo and I got into a fight, and we- we fought quite a long time. About me and Lo'ak punching Ao'nung."

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